Posts Tagged ‘Patch Town’

HUGE Thanksgiving Weekend Sale Starts Today!

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IT’S OUR BIGGEST FICTION EBOOK SALE OF THE YEAR! This Thanksgiving and Black Friday Ambassador International is slashing the price on our most popular fiction titles! That makes this our biggest Black Friday sale ever! These deals will expire at the end of the day Friday. All of these Ebooks are only $.99 each – just click on the cover and add to your cart before the opportunity is GONE!


Joanie BruceClearedForPlanting

Allen Steadham

All That Glitters

Fate of the Watchman

An Unpresentable Glory

Kathy M. Howard

Will Montgomery

Solitary Man

The Redemption of Jedidiah Pinkney

The Shadow Things

Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Reading from Ambassador International!

$1.99 SALE: One Day Only!

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For 24 Hours we’re offering a brand new fiction title for just $1.99! Pick up Robert Parlante’s book Patch Town: Up From the Ashes at a discounted rate for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend, and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait- pick up this book right now for just $1.99 on Kindle!

PatchTown2Synopsis: Someone is trying to harm Martin Gilmore. First a white jalopy with a missing tailgate tries to run him down. He encounters road rage involving a dark blue van. Then an oversized black truck stalks him for the final kill.

As Martin follows clues leading to the suspected killer, he receives startling news. His young daughter Ruthie faces a diagnosis of breast cancer. Martin’s world collapses, having lost his wife three years earlier to cancer. And now will Ruthie face a similar nightmare?

Employed by a real estate development company, Martin is drawn into a web of corporate deceit as Ruthie’s illness overwhelms him, and the killer zeroes in on him.

Martin must confront hard choices: be a supportive dad to Ruthie, try to live as an ethical believer, and deal with his feelings for his friend Linda. In the end, Martin faces an inferno of hatred where his life hangs in balance and his trust in God is challenged. BUY NOW

99¢ Sale: One Day Only!

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For 24 hours we’re offering a brand new fiction title for just 99¢! Pick up Robert Parlante’s honest and touching novel Patch Town: A Letter From Miss Wingate for less than a buck for the Kindleduring our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend and then it will return to regular price.

Patch TownSynopsis: Widower for three years. Frequent periods of unemployment throughout his life. Unresolved anger. A fragmented family that cannot deal with a father spiraling downward. Martin receives a letter from his old 8th grade teacher asking him to forgive her for a painful childhood incident. He is overwhelmed once again by his hatred for Miss Wingate, blaming her for much of what went wrong in his life. His son and daughter eventually help him take reluctant steps to forgive the teacher he wished was long dead. He meets recently divorced Linda who brings a flow of freshness into his life. She encourages Martin to visit the teacher, now dying from dementia in a nursing home. Along his journey to a coal mining community to meet the teacher, strangers enter his life compelling him to confront his past and unsure future—helping him move from failure to forgiveness and spiritual redemption. BUY NOW!