Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Author Steve Whigham wrote the recently released book Eclipse of Faith: When Doubt Overwhelms Religious Belief, available now. Here are Steve’s “five things”:
- I have spoken on this subject on three continents already. I’m amazed at how many people struggle with doubt. Most do not feel confident enough — or free enough — to discuss their doubt with others. I know how they feel. I went through the same struggle myself, which I wrote about in my book. You just don’t want to vocalize your doubt about faith just in case it may alienate people you are very close to.
- I love music. I’ve been playing piano, drums and guitar for many years now. I’ve played in all kinds of bands, even orchestras: classical, opera, jazz, rock, blues, folk, and even a bit of country. Whenever I need to relax and decompress, all it takes is a few minutes behind the keyboard and I’m renewed. There is something special about music. The crazy thing is, I can’t sing on tune. I can play instruments. I just can’t sing.
- You just never know who is embroiled in doubt. I met a bright, young Christian leader just a couple weeks ago. He’s struggling with his faith in profound ways. From the outside he looks all put together — a model 20-something actively leading Bible studies, church functions, etc. He just doesn’t know what he truly believes any more. And he was scared to admit it. I got to talk wit
h him for a couple hours over coffee and give him tools to deal with his doubt. When we finished, he looked so relieved. I’m praying for the joy of his faith to return to him soon.
- I got to talk to a former Captain of the Soviet Air Force in Odessa, Ukraine a couple years back while there on business. He must have been at least 80 years old. He clapped his boot heels together and saluted me with pride. He spoke no English. I spoke only rudimentary Russian. But we both spoke enough German to have a pleasant conversation. He is a follower of Christ now and attends an active church right in the heart of Odessa. His eyes danced with joy. That day, I got to experience history folding down upon itself and reveal the human stories behind the dry accounts of history. When you get past the stereotypes, how much alike we all are!
- I have to admit it, I’m a reading geek. I can’t get enough reading time in. I’ve got so many books I’m currently reading encompassing so many subjects: history, politics, philosophy, arts, science, cooking, fiction, autobiographies, business, theology, technology, and the list goes on. I should be more focused — but maybe not. I’m an eclectic reader and I think it gives me a broader perspective. It sure makes entertaining dinner conversation!
Learn more about Steve and his struggle with doubt in his new book Eclipse of Faith. Thank you Steve for sharing your “five things” with us!