Posts Tagged ‘Well Driven Nails’

99¢ Sale: One Day Only!

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For 24 hours we’re offering one of our hot non-fiction titles for just 99¢! Pick up Byron Yawn’s insightful reference book Well Driven Nails: The Power of Finding Your Own Voice  for less than a buck for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend and then it will return to regular price.


Well-Driven NailsSynopsis: At its core this book is about everything seminary and academics never taught us about preaching. Professors don’t produce preachers. Preachers are hewn out of the rough granite of experience and time. Byron Yawn had the privilege of sitting down with some of the most notable preachers of our day and pilfering their hard-earned wisdom and insights. Well-Driven Nails is an accounting of what he learned from these true “professors” of the craft. But, it is also more than a book on preaching. It’s about a journey every preacher must take if he is to be a fearless proclaimer of Christ in a room full of critics. It is about finding one’s own voice and therefore applies to all who struggle to overcome the fear of man in their devotion to Christ. BUY NOW