Posts Tagged ‘Wherein the Lilies Grow’

New Devotional Uses Photography, Poetry and Scripture to Communicate God’s Beauty, Splendor

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Wherein the Lilies GrowAuthor, licensed counselor Jo Crosby shares rich beauty of lilies

For immediate release:  The lily is the fourth most popular flower in the world, often sought after for floral bouquets and landscaping. Historically lilies symbolize purity and refined beauty, but for author Jo Crosby lilies signify rest and a renewed relationship with the Lord. In her new devotional Wherein the Lilies Grow (Ambassador International; March 2012; $17.99, hardcover) Jo explains why the delicate Lily has become such a powerful symbol in her life and faith. “Walking among the velvety blooms, not only did I see myself reflected, but I also found the time to be still, to listen, and to genuinely converse with Him,” writes Jo about her time in a day lily garden. “Extremes of both tears and laughter have fallen from my heart over the petals I love, their beauty never failing to pull the worship from my heart.”

Jo says that as she surrounded herself with God’s creation and gave herself time to enjoy it, she experienced healing from past struggles and emotional hardship. Throughout Wherein the Lilies Grow, Jo shares her heart by exposing personal journal entries, poetry and devotions. Stunning photography transplants the reader to the very place where Jo experienced her own renewal of faith, the day lily garden.

Jo Crosby is a licensed Professional Counselor with more than two decades of clinical experience. She regularly leads workshops and retreats that help people build strong, healthy relationships with God and each other. She lives with her husband John and their three children near Savannah, Georgia.

To learn more about the author Jo Crosby and Wherein the Lilies Grow, visit For interview requests please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].
