Where is a location that makes the creative mind flow, where you can focus on the task at hand? We’ve all searched for our favorite places to do our work. And finding the perfect spot, away from distractions, but perhaps not completely isolated, tidy but not stark, warm but energetic, can seem daunting. Here are five of the best places to write.
A Place with a View
A peaceful and quiet setting, overlooking a scenic view – maybe a view of the city skyline, or the rolling waves of the beach. Somewhere that will soothe the soul, but at the same time allow yourself to delve into your creativity.
An Unused Room in the House
Of course, not everyone has spare bedrooms lying around, but if you have a guest room that currently doesn’t have a friend sleeping in it, it could become your new writing niche! Away from the distractions of the rest of your house like a T.V, stocked refrigerator, and more familiar surroundings, a room all to yourself and your thoughts can really get those words flowing. You can even tell the rest of the household that once you pass those doors, the artistic mind is at work and mustn’t be disturbed! (Unless the house is burning down of course.)
A Hotel Room
If staying at home is still to distracting, maybe going on a retreat to a nearby town (or some where more exotic!) and staying at a hotel for a few days will do the trick! A sparse hotel room, you, your computer, there is bound to be several pages that can be written in there. Plus, if you’re really feeling fancy, get a place with room service and get that ice cream sundae delivered! I hear sugar totally helps with writer’s block.
A Café
Yes, a cliché. But for those who don’t work well in isolation and quiet, a café is really a great place to work. There are plenty of people passing through, coffee is always near by, and there is usually free Wi-Fi too! You can’t beat that.
*Fun fact – J.K Rowling apparently wrote Harry Potter in a café called the Elephant House. Let’s hope there weren’t any real elephants in there, or she must have really used magic to get her work done.
The Library
You can’t forget about this gem! The library is a great place to write. It’s always cool and comfortable. It’s a perfect balance between isolation and public. There are people, but they are always (at least most of the time) mindful of being quiet, and you are surrounded by books! How can you not be inspired?
These are just some of our favorites, but anywhere that you are comfortable is a great writing place. We are all inspired by different things, and we all write in different ways. I’m sitting in a cubical as I write this! Find us on Facebook, or click here, and tell us your favorite places to write.
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