Giuseppe Garibaldi, an Italian general and nationalist, said: “Soldiers, I am going out from Rome. Let those who wish to continue the war against the stranger, come with me. I offer neither pay, nor quarters, nor provisions. I offer hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles, and death. Let him who loves his country follow me.”
True sacrifice serves not for fame or benefits or glory, but from a heartfelt commitment to protecting those under your care despite the personal cost. Today we stop to shine light on the current of gratitude that flows through our daily lives to those veterans who have shown true sacrifice and to their families and friends who join and support them. Your daily and lifelong sacrifice is seen, heard, recognized, and appreciated.
Veterans, every day, but especially today, we salute you.
Below is a selection of books written by veterans, for veterans, or by veteran spouses. Click on the cover to learn more about the author and book.
First, we’re featuring two newer releases by two retired military officers!