From the Mind of God to the Mind of Man: A Layman’s Guide to How We Got Our Bible

by James B. Williams, Randolph Shaylor

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Christian Living, Reference, Theology

ISBN: 1889893382

231 pages

Price: $14.99

The current controversy over the Bible’s text and translations is creating confusing division within the ranks of Fundamentalism. A mass of misinformation fuels the debate. Scores of men realize the enormous errors being popularized but hesitate to engender further debate by speaking out. The confusion, however, is now so pervasive within Fundamentalism that the true, biblical and historical facts on the text, transmission, and translation of Scripture must be restated in layman’s terms. These facts argue eloquently for the unity, not the division, of God’s people on these issues.


General Editor: James B. Williams
Managing Editor: Randolph Shaylor

The Committee on the Bible's Text and Translation:
1. Dr. J. Drew Conley
2. Dr. Paul W. Downey
3. Rev. John K Hutcheson Sr.
4. Dr. Mark Minnick
5. Dr. Randolph Shaylor
6. Dr. James B. Williams

Additional Authors:
1. Rev. John E. Ashbrook
2. Dr. Keith E. Gephart
3. Dr. John C. Mincy
4. Dr. William H. Smallman

1. Dr. David Beale
2. Dr. David Burggraff
3. Dr. Sam Horn
4. Dr. Rolland McCune
5. Dr. Douglas McLachlan
6. Dr. Larry Oats
7. Dr. Ernest Pickering
8. Dr. James Price