Press Room
Members of the media interested in interviewing an author or receiving a review copy of an Ambassador International title should contact publicity director Kimberly Davis through email at [email protected].
News Releases
October 30: Children’s Author Katie Cruice Smith to Release New Christmas Book
March 21: Educator Trades her Grading Pen for Author’s Quill
March 12: Author Brings Irish Dishes to American Tables in New Cookbook
March 5: Educator Trades Her Grading Pen for Author’s Quill
May 23: Licensed Therapist Laura Kuehn Releases Book to Help Children Battle Anxiety
February 7: Crawford to Release Revised Baptist Confession of Faith
May 3: Nineteenth century Orphan Trains come to life through the viewpoint of two sisters in new fiction
November 10: Irish cook brings taste of Ireland to the holiday table in new cookbook
December 1: Binge-worthy series comes out just in time for the holidays
January 8: Free from Pornography: A Powerful Testimony of Grace
November 23: New Cookbook Offers Sensuous and Delicious Tour of Ireland
October 20: Powerful Novel Aims to Bring Attention to “Bullycide”
October 19: Can Distance Really Make a Marriage Stronger?
October 15: Powerful Novel Encourages Readers Through Season of Hardship
September 22: 10 Steps for Fighting Life’s Battles Successfully
August 6: Prayer: More than Just Words Before Dinner
August 3: Learning to Trust God When Life Spirals Out of Control
July 19: Pastor Encourages Christians to Live Bold, Daring, Courageous Lives of Faith
July 18: Child with One Leg Beats the Odds and Kicks Cancer, Too
July 17: New Children’s Book Champions Creativity and Imagination
May 28: Book Tells Story of Jesus Through New Perspective
May 1: Good Samaritan Shot By Mugger Experiences Miraculous Healing
April 5: Pastor’s New Book Offers Relief From the Busyness of Life
April 4: Book Chronicles Life and Impact of Prominent Ex-Gay Christian
April 3: Wickedness of Sexual Abuse in Christian Church Exposed in New Book
March 20: Solo Hiking Trip Transforms Young Woman’s Life
March 16: New Book Uses Loveable Yellow Lab to Teach Water Safety
February 1: Children’s Book Fights Against Growing Oral Health Crisis
January 30: Fireball Missionary Spends 65 Years Advancing Gospel
January 1: Would You Choose Him All Over Again?
November 7: Gripping Novel Follows Young Orphan As She Navigates Tragedy
November 1: A Donkey’s Little Tale Provides Touching Account of Christ’s Birth
October 24: New Book Teaches Kids How to Biblically Combat Bullying
October 16: Military Spouses Open Up About Fears, Worries and Stress of Military Life
October 15: New Cookbook Serves Up Generous Helpings of Faith and Food
October 1: Heart-Wrenching Novel Tells Story of Christmastime Kidnapping
September 2: Movie Executive Reveals Remarkable Story in New Memoir
August 1: Shelter Dogs Star in New Children’s Book
July 9: Ambassador International Sponsoring Allume Conference for Women
June 30: New Book Offers Biblical Guide for Being a Powerful Last-Day Christian
May 30: Orphanage Worker Gives Honest, Heart-Wrenching Account of Massive Haiti Earthquake
May 15: New Book Aims to End “Civil War” Among Christians
May 9: Declutter Every Area of Your Life in Just 8 Weeks
May 2: Accountant-Turned-Adventurer Finds Faith and Love in South Africa
April 14: Pastor Issues Bible Memorization Challenge
April 4: Upstate Donkey Gains Fame with New Children’s Book
March 21: Former PBS Exec Shares Inspirational Stories in New Devotional
February 15: Book Exposes Dangers of Legalism
February 14: Author Shares Life’s Twisted, Unpredictable Journey in New Book
January 10: New Book Gives Pathway to Christian Maturity
November 10: Professor Reveals His Drift into Doubt
November 1: New Book Gives Teens “A Map for the Middle”
October 30: Secrets and Forbidden Love Surface in New Historical Novel
October 18: Letting Revelation Change the Way You Live
September 27: Fast-Paced Spiritual Thriller Shares True Story of Survival for Christian Family in Communist Romania
September 5: Tiny Mouse Plays Big Role in the Christmas Story
September 1: Renowned Cookbook Author Releases New Collection of Authentic Irish Christmas Recipes
August 23: New Children’s Book Teaches Young Readers the Importance of Making Choices
August 15: Fantasy Author Takes Readers on Epic Journey of Self Discovery
July 25: Author Uses His Life Experience to Show the Healing Power of God
July 15: Author Uses the Stories of Nine Adopted Cats to Share God’s Word
June 23: New Book Explores Christian Response to Pain
June 19: Pastor Makes Plea to Church to Rethink Approach to Homosexuality
May 16: Children’s Book Shares the True Story of a Water Skiing Baby
May 15: New Book Helps Families Love Those Suffering With Depression
May 5: Farm Animals Encourage Children to be Unique
May 1: Former Prisoner Uses Experience to Help Others Survive the Justice System
April 25: Book Takes Readers on Intimate Spiritual Journey
April 19: Secrets and Romance Surface in Majestic Alaska
April 17: Ambassador International Honors the Life and Legacy of George Beverly Shea
April 15: How a Cricket Changed the World
April 1: Veteran Missionary Shares Experiences Among Cannibalistic Tribes
March 18: Novel Features Heartwarming and Heart-Stopping Adventures of First-Year Teacher
March 6: Publisher Connects Book Clubs Directly With Authors
March 3: Novel Addresses Hardships Facing Military Families
February 25: Romance and Suspense Collide in New Christian Thriller
February 7: Eight Mothers Connected by One Doctor Share Their Stories of Life After Loss
January 23: New Children’s Book Encourages Young Readers to Help the Needy
January 18: Romance, Adventure, and Faith Unite in New Novel
January 15: Novel Explores Life of Woman Healed by Touching Jesus’ Garment
December 15: Children’s Book Combines Entertainment and Learning Tools
December 5: New Book Shares Fictional Account of Devastating 1913 Ohio Flood
November 29: Novel Explores the Power of Writing Upon One’s Inner Journey
November 5: Single Author Hopes to Encourage Other Unmarrieds
October 30: New Novel Address Race Issues in the American South
October 23: Life in the Special Needs World the Central Focus of New Novel
October 15: Business Parable Offers Leadership Insight Through Captivating Story
October 9: The Last Remaining Christians Fight to Survive in New Political Thriller
September 21: Christian School Movement Must Face Realities, Needs Transformation According to New Book
September 2: Find Greatness in Ordinary Moments With New Book
September 1: “Real Faith” is a Believer’s Guide to the Christian Faith
August 23: Author Carrie Daws Continues Popular Fiction Series with Ryan’s Crossing
August 6: Renew Your Space & Spirit in 20 Days with a Total Home Makeover
July 31: Transform Every Area of Life with Declutter Now! Uncovering the Hidden Joy & Freedom in Your Life
June 30: New Guidebook Equips Disaster Responders
June 26: Christian Publisher Ambassador International Launches New Website
June 19: Forgiveness is Not an Option, It’s a Necessity, According to New Book
June 13: Children’s Book Dedicated to Restoring Faith in the American Dream
June 5: New Book Offers Biblical Care for Christian Marriages in Crisis
April 2: Collection of Inspirational Life Stories Challenge Women of All Ages and Every Walk of Life
March 30: Series of Devotionals Offers Insight for Coaches, Pastors and Leaders
March 30: New Devotional Uses Photography, Poetry and Scripture to Communicate God’s Beauty, Splendor
February 16: Bachelor Pad Winner Holly Durst Releases First Children’s Book
February 1: Cookbook Author Transports Readers to the Irish Countryside with Latest Cookbook
January 31: Truth of Fallen Angels, Giants, UFO’s Revealed in New Book
January 25: New Christian Novel Explores Bond of Brotherhood
January 18: New Christian Novel Explores Importance of Truth and Family
January 15: New Book Reveals Christian Testimonies of Major League Baseball Players
November 28: Resource Helps Grieving Find “New Normal” in 30 Days
November 16: Author Puts an End to Generations of Domestic Abuse, Alcoholism
October 24: New Cookbook Invites Readers on Culinary Journey from Northern Ireland to the American South
September 26: South Carolina Doctor Reveals One Patient’s Profound Impact in New Book
September 9: New Book Reveals Secrets of a Personal Shopper
September 1: Upstate Donkey Gains Fame With New Children’s Book
August 25: Missionary Shares Gospel in Cannibalistic Areas
July 25: New Biography Reveals Darker Side of Amish Culture
July 19: Former Addict Helps Others Embrace Life Beyond Sobriety
June 28: Eating Disorders Experiencing Unprecedented Growth
June 13: Young Widow Hopes to Encourage Other Caregivers
April 15: Living Christian Faith like Living in a Hurricane