A Harmony of Two Psalms

by Guy Robert Peel Steward

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals

ISBN: 9781649607034

204 pages

Price: $18.99

In a world that is full of chaos and change, many people turn to the Psalms to find comfort in times of stress. In A Harmony of Two Psalms, Guy Robert Peel Steward takes a closer look at two of those psalms—Psalm 2 and 91—and analyzes their key truths, hoping to shine some light for the reader on what the words truly mean and how they can find comfort in the God Who sees the chaos and offers rest in the storm. Be challenged in your knowledge of God’s Word and learn more about some of the verses that can soothe our weary souls.


Guy Robert Peel Steward was educated at King’s School, King’s College, and Selwyn College in Auckland, New Zealand. During much of his twenties, he ran a small business. He holds a BA with a music major, and a BTh from New Covenant International Theological Seminary through its associate, NCI Bible college in New Zealand, and he also has a teaching diploma from the Auckland College of Education. Guy has taught both Music and English at New Zealand high schools. He is currently teaching English and Art History at a foundation course preparing students for university. He lives in Auckland with his wife and son. Amongst other church ministries, Guy has been involved in men’s ministry, and, with his wife, as a cell group leader.