American Crisis: The Collapse of Christian Culture

by William D. Howard

Genres: Christian Living, Politics

ISBN: 9781649605016

320 pages

Price: $31.99

All Americans know we are in a state of cultural crisis, but how did we get to this point? It has been said, if we seek an actual legal date for the fall of Judeo-Christian culture in America, it would be June 26, 2015, the day the Supreme Court ruled that homosexual marriage was a constitutionally protected right.
But according to William D. Howard, the destruction of our country started well before that when states began changing laws and incorporating changes that had lasting repercussions on the culture as a whole.
In American Crisis: The Collapse of Christian Culture, Howard takes an in-depth look at civilizations in the past, provides insights on our current culture, and warns of a future that can mean only the destruction of everything we hold dear.
But this book is not without hope. Howard uses God’s Word to show Christians how we can counter the social and political norms and fight for our country’s moral, political, and social outlook. As our moral high ground is being chipped away one corner at a time, we need to take up the call to action and fight against the powers that seek our demise.


William D. Howard began his journey as a world-traveler in 1970, and has since visited over forty countries studying their history and culture. Along the way, he earned degrees in philosophy and history and served as a social worker and teacher at the high school and college level. For over thirty years he taught advanced courses in history, philosophy, and world religions. Using this knowledge, and as a practicing Christian, he served as a guest commentator on both radio and television and published numerous essays defending the Judeo-Christian faith on national websites such as,, Life/Site/ and