Awakenings: The Early Days

by Ryan Phillips

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Christian Living, Inspirational

ISBN: 9781620208311

120 pages

Price: $12.99

Awakenings is a collection of Ryan Phillips’ responses to the truth of God’s Word that came during a season of solitude and reflection in the remote and beautiful hills of Laupahoehoe, Hawaii, as he awoke every morning and had time to reflect on the Word and listen to the Holy Spirit. This time of beautiful surroundings, quiet devotion, and writing helped Ryan grow spiritually, and his hope is that you will also be awakened to who God is calling you to be and become, and that his devotional journey will encourage you to deepen your walk with God and to embrace your identity as a believer in Jesus.


Ryan Phillips is the son of pastors and missionaries. After returning from the mission field at the age of 16, he hardened his heart to God. Ryan abandoned the faith for 8 years until he had an encounter with God in New York City. He was then born again at a church service on Easter Sunday. Ryan has since become a carpenter, a preacher, and a missionary.