Fraidy Brady Visits the Fire Station
by Maria Bostian
Genres: Children & Young Adult
ISBN: 9781620207253
48 pages
Price: $7.99
Fraidy Brady is scared.
He doesn’t know if he will enjoy his class trip to the fire station. The sights and sounds scare him so much that he tries to find a way to get out of the trip. But once he is there, Fraidy Brady realizes that there is nothing to be afraid of after all, and that firefighters are important community helpers. In fact, Brady may even grow up to be a firefighter someday!
Fire and Life Safety Educator Maria Bostian shows young children in her Fraidy Brady series that they can face their fears and explore the possibilities of their world.
Also available in the Fraidy Brady series:
Fraidy Brady and the First Field Trip
Maria Bostian is the Fire & Life Safety Educator for a career fire department and a former Montessori elementary teacher. She is a certified fire service instructor and an active member of the numerous safety and civic organizations. Bostian provides training and conducts workshops on community risk reduction strategies in her community and across the country.
When she’s not trying to save lives, you can find her writing stories with a real life Fraidy Brady curled at her feet.
While she loves all her firefighter friends, her very favorite firefighter is her husband, Jeff.