I Want a Water Buffalo for Christmas
by Judy DuCharme
Genres: Children & Young Adult
ISBN: 9781649601421
56 pages
Price: $8.99
I Want a Water Buffalo for Christmas tells the journey of LeGory, a young water buffalo, who brings life to a family in dire need. Several circumstances fall into place to create the life-giving wonder of providing for those less fortunate.
Judy DuCharme grew up with Lake Huron next to her back yard and has always loved the water. She, her husband, daughter, and son have lived in Door County, a peninsula that juts into Lake Michigan in Northeast Wisconsin, since 1984. After teaching fifth grade for twenty-two years, Judy followed the calling that tugged at her all her life to write, and she is now the recipient of numerous awards. If you visit Door County, you may find Judy hiking in the woods, jet skiing on the bay, worshipping at her church, teaching a Bible study, cheering for the Green Bay Packers, playing with her grandson, or sitting outside enjoying the beauty around her.