Infant Baptism and the Silence of the New Testament by Bryan Holstrom

Infant Baptism and the Silence of the New Testament

by Bryan Holstrom

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Theology

ISBN: 9781932307702

160 pages

Price: $11.99

Since the time of the Reformation some Christians have argued that the historic church s practice of infant baptism is without proper biblical warrant. The most frequently heard refrain from those in this camp is that, because the New Testament contains no explicit command to baptize the infant children of believers, the practice is ultimately based upon an argument from silence. In Infant Baptism and the Silence of the New Testament, Bryan Holstrom turns that assertion on its head, by demonstrating that, far from being an argument against infant baptism, the silence of the New Testament in this regard is actually support for the practice. Moreover, he demonstrates that the New Testament actually has much to say in support of the baptism of infants, albeit in indirect (but important) ways. The result is a straightforward and non-technical presentation of the biblical case for infant baptism that is designed to help Christians on both sides of the divide better understand the issues involved, and appreciate the covenantal basis upon which the Reformed church retained the historic practice.


    Bryan Holstrom has written an excellent book and I hope that it gets into the hands of many readers. He has served the church and the cause of biblical truth well. Those holding a Baptist view will find themselves challenged in the best sort of way by a thorough exploration of biblical teaching. Paedobaptists themselves will be pushed to think in richer and more biblically consistent ways about their practice of infant baptism. May this book serve to heal the divisions in Christ’s church and to encourage Christians to embrace more meaningfully the covenant promises of God for themselves and their children. –David VanDrunen Robert B. Strimple Professor of Systematic Theology and Christian Ethics Westminster Seminary California


Bryan Holstrom is a Ruling Elder at Covenant of Grace Orthodox Presbyterian Church in Batavia, Illinois.

    He and his wife Meredith have four children.