Promise Unfulfilled: The Failed Strategy of Modern Evangelicalism by Rolland McCune

Promise Unfulfilled: The Failed Strategy of Modern Evangelicalism

by Roland McCune

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Christian Living, Ministry, Reference

ISBN: 9781932307313

400 pages

Price: $24.99

The New Evangelicalism was conceived if not born with the formation of the National Association of Evangelicals in 1942. This new group was in the main led by younger professing fundamentalist scholars and leaders who had become dissatisfied with their heritage and wanted to carve out some evangelical middle ground between fundamentalism and neo-orthodoxy. This book is an analysis of the break-away movement in terms of the issues ideas, and practices that led to its beginning, its expansion to an apogee in the 1970s, its subsequent loss of biblical and doctrinal stability, and its slide toward virtual irrelevancy in a postmodern world culture of the 21st century.

The twenty-five chapters are grouped under nine main sections: Historical Antecedents; the Formation of the New Evangelicalism; Ecumenism; Ecclesiastical Separation; The Bible and Authority; Apologetics; Social Involvement; Doctrinal Storms; and Evaluations and Prospects.

Promise Unfulfilled will be a valuable addition to the pastor’s library and a strategic resource for theological education in Bible colleges and seminaries.


Dr. Rolland McCune is the former President of the Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary. Dr. McCune has written numerous articles about Systematic Theology, Neo-Evangelicalism, Apologetics, and other subjects. He is the current Professor of Systematic Theology at Detroit Baptist Theological Seminary.