The Ministry of the Unveiled Face by Janet E. Fichter

The Ministry of the Unveiled Face

by Janet E. Fichter

Genres: Christian Living

ISBN: 9781649602008

108 pages

Price: $9.99

Jesus told His followers to go into the world and preach the Good News. However, many Christians aren’t fulfilling this Great Commission. The call to “evangelize” conjures up uncomfortable images of walking inner city streets with a megaphone. We don’t relish facing possible ridicule so prevalent in society today, so we hesitate to reach out.
But we are called to witness. And it isn’t that difficult. When we anchor in the goodness of Christ, we realize that sharing the Gospel is a profound honor.
The Ministry of the Unveiled Face grounds us in the simplicity of sharing Christ in the everyday. The meekness of the call lies in our being responsive and obedient to God’s prompting as we interact with others. Anchored in persevering prayer, we speak scriptural truths into the lives of others as the Holy Spirit leads. Like the unveiling of a beautiful bride at her wedding, the spiritual veil is removed and Christ’s truth and goodness are revealed.


A native Coloradoan, Janet Fichter writes to inspire readers to rekindle the flame of passion for serving Christ. She has learned firsthand how the goodness of Christ is unveiled through everyday interactions as well as participation in organized ministry. Her blog ( contains her favorite non-fiction, short fiction, and poetry. Janet also maintains a Facebook page on prayer (Prayer Vigil, Jesus’ Sacre Coeur), where one can intercede through written prayers. Additionally, her writing has appeared in literary journals and anthologies.

Janet has served the Lord in a variety of organized ministries (Habitat for Humanity, No Limits youth group co-leader, prayer and worship groups, Crown of Glory nursing home ministry, and The Table ministry (worship and weekly meal for neighborhood low-income and homeless). After a long career in public education as a teacher and instructional coach, she and her husband are now retired. Janet delights in pursuing God’s call to share the truths He has written on her heart.