One lone family amid cultural and religious collapse struggles to maintain faith in their time and future generations. This ancient clan demonstrates the successful transition of faith that remains aflame for centuries. Communicating zeal for God that any Christian father can emulate today, this biblical narrative unfolds an obscure character’s life. In a time of spiraling moral and theological decline, The Promise of Jonadab encourages Christian families not only to stand but to pass the torch of their faith securely throughout generations. What can Christian families learn from one minor Old Testament man whose godly line still continues today? The answer communicates the strong and sure message of hope in The Promise of Jonadab.
Endorsements for The Promise of Jonadab:
“The Promise of Jonadab offers a fast-paced read and a worthy Bible study with obvious applications to life in a time when many Christians feel besieged by moral and cultural collapse. Some will find it far more substantive and timely in its application than The Prayer of Jabez.”
CEO, WorldNetDaily
“Ray and Gail’s book is both visionary and practical. Young parents, especially, will find sound suggestions here for putting intentional fiber into the habits and standards of the families they are called to lead.”
Founder, World Magazine
“I have known Ray and Gail Moore for over two decades. Their love for Jesus, their love for their neighbors, and their love for family has resulted in a worthy legacy. Any time spent with them in person or through this book is an investment worth making.”
President and CEO, Prison Fellowship
“Nothing should be more important to Christian parents than the continued strong faith of their children and following generations of the family. The Promise of Jonadab speaks to parents’ hearts. Biblical history, personal anecdotes, examples from around the world. It makes for powerful Christian parents.”
Editor, Baptist Banner
Former 2nd Vice President of the Southern Baptist Convention
“The first step . . . of claiming Jonadab’s promise is unswerving loyalty to God’s Word. The Word of the Lord prevailed over and governed the house of Jonadab.” This quote by the Moores in The Promise of Jonadab is a perfect summary of their own lives, thus adding credence to their invaluable insights and most urgent instruction for families in our day.
Christian songwriter/recording artist
Lt. Col. E. Ray Moore, Jr. is indefatigable in his representation of the Lord’s heart for families. He wants parents and children to know that “the eyes of the Lord are toward the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry” (Ps. 34:15).
Senior Pastor, Christ Church of the Carolinas