What Christians Have Always Believed: Essentials of the Christian Faith by Timothy Cross

What Christians Have Always Believed: Essentials of the Christian Faith

by Timothy Cross

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals, Christian Living

ISBN: 9781649600295

94 pages

Price: $14.99

” . . . An excellent resource for old and new alike to immerse ourselves in and having done so go out with a new song to sing, a flag to follow and a story to tell, that may once more change the world.”
Revd Marcus Nelson
Vicar St Marks Evangelical Anglican Church
Cardiff, Wales

“This book, full of biblical truth, will assist with the growing up aspect of our Christian lives. Good theology, plainly presented, is essential for the disciple of Jesus. Here is a tool for both those new in the faith and for those who want to go deeper into the essentials.”
Kent Philpott, Pastor
Miller Avenue Baptist Church
Mill Valley, California USA


Timothy Cross is the author of over thirty Christian books. He studied at the University of Wales at both graduate and postgraduate levels, and he is a gospel preacher and Bible teacher of many years’ standing. His life passions include biblical languages, distance running, indoor and outdoor swimming, the British seaside, and cats! Timothy has been awarded two honorary Doctorates of Sacred Literature in recognition for his written ministry.