Archive for the ‘Book Clubs’ Category

Spice Up Your Book Club!

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This is not your grandma’s book club! (No offense grandma!) Spice up your next book club meeting with fun decor, food and even favors for your guests. Ambassador International publicist Alison Storm shared some great ways to spice up your book club in this TV segment:

Ready to invite an Ambassador author to your next book club? Learn more here!

Want to print those free book plates for your book club guests? Find them here!

Need help creating your own DIY book page table runner? Get step-by-step help here!

Invite an Author to Your Book Club

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BookClub_LogoFree Service Encourages Reading Through Rare Access to Authors

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Greenville-based publisher Ambassador International is launching a unique book club that offers readers personal access to some of their favorite authors. Select Ambassador authors are available to attend book club meetings across the country via phone or Skype through the launch of this exciting new program.

To take part, book club leaders must feature one of the Ambassador titles from the evolving list found at  Book clubs can then invite the author to be a part of an upcoming meeting by filling out a short online request form.

The author will join discussions via phone or Skype. “In addition to inviting your neighbor or your cousin to your book club you can invite the author as well,” explains Ambassador International COO Tim Lowry. “Our authors are really excited about the chance to engage on such a personal level with their readers and we think book clubs across the country will be thrilled for this unique and free opportunity.”

Both fiction and non-fiction authors are featured in the program including:

    • Anna McCarthy, Forgiveness is Not an Option
    • Stephen Goode, Marriage Triage
    • Renee Metzler, Total Home Makeover
    • Lindon and Sherry Gareis, Declutter Now
    • Carrie Daws, Romancing Melody
    • Will Montgomery, Lukewarm

About Ambassador International: Ambassador International was founded in 1980 in Belfast, Northern Ireland and expanded into Greenville, South Carolina in 1995.  Ambassador International’s books and materials have been distributed in dozens of countries and are sold worldwide.

For more information about the Ambassador Book Club visit  To request an interview or more information please contact our publicity director at [email protected].


Book Club Decor: Book Page Table Runner

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book page table runnerBook Clubs are a great way to discover new and old books in an in depth way, but they can also be a great way to socialize with friends.  If you are looking for a way to spice up your book club meetings and explore your creative side then why not create a fun book page table runner!

Book Page Table-Runner:

Step One: Find an old book that you don’t mind destroying for a good cause. You may have one that has been partially damaged that would serve this purpose well. Or find a used book at a thrift store for less than a dollar.

Step Two: Tear the pages out of the book.  When it comes to breaking the binding it will make a difference if the pages are glued or sewn.  The book I used had a glued binding.  I started by breaking the binding back on the edge of a table and tearing the paperback cover off.  From there I simply ripped away pages.  For the length of my table runner I only used half of a 250 page book.

Step Three: Glue! It is best to use a glue stick that will dry faster rather than a glue bottle and won’t make as much of a mess. Begin gluing the pages together at angles. There is no particular method to which way you should glue pages together.  Make it as long or wide as you like!

Step Four: Display your work of art. Once your book page table runner is completely dry, display it on your table, top it with book club-friendly snacks and enjoy!

Ready for another fun crafting project for your book club meetings? Then be sure to check out Ambassador International’s Pinterest page.

Don’t miss out on the latest Ambassador International news!

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In today’s world, it’s hard not to be involved in at least one social media website. At Ambassador International, as a Christian publisher trying to magnify the Lord through the written word, we want to make sure we reach everyone! We are located on some of the top social media websites. Make sure you check out our pages to get the latest book information, helpful writing tips, giveaways, and much more!

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In 140 characters or less, we tweet the latest details on book giveaways, author information, and ideas for Christian living. Providing inspiration in a couple sentences or less!

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A new addition to our media outlets, we love to have Google Hangouts with our authors! This is a great way to connect one-on-one with your favorite authors and ask them questions!

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Are you addicted to pinning? We have boards to provide inspiration with Christian living, links to book reviews, what our authors are up to, decorating with books and more! We love to share writing tips!

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Check out our YouTube channel for book trailers, author interviews, and tips for publishing your own books. More videos to come!