Giles Hopkins’ First Year at Plymouth

“Rebekka Parry (author of young readers’ story on Pilgrims’ Indian friend Hobomok), again, has penned a time-transporting history book for young readers. What was it like to be a boy…

Firefighters’ Busy Day!

WOW! Firefighters are busy! They have many tasks to do each day including “washing, waxing, shining the truck, cleaning the gear, getting rid of the muck.” In Firefighters’ Busy Day,…

Fugitive of Faith

…on the books, this fictional look at how a Bible-believing pastor might deal with being accused of violating the law and face both criminal charges and devastating real world effects…

Submit a Book Review

…being a part of our books’ successes.   Once you have reviewed an Ambassador International title, please submit the book review information here.   Book Review Submission Name* First Last…

Carrie Daws

…I believe in advocating healing from past hurts and families uniting in difficult circumstances. More than anything, I want the hope of Christ to permeate each of my books. Review:…


Hambone is the true story of a scared stray hound dog. He is without a home to live in and a family to love him. Liz wants to help, but…

Loving Grace Cover Reveal

We are so excited that Melanie, who vlogs over at Christian YA Books and More hosted a cover reveal for our Christian young adult fiction called Loving Grace by debut…