Posts Tagged ‘AIAuthors’

5 Things About Rev. Desiré P. Grogan, Author of Revelations from the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapters 1-3

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Author Rev. Desiré P. Grogan has written a  verse-by-verse commentary on the first three chapters of the Book of Revelation titled  “Revelations from the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapters 1-3: A Commentary for the Believer in the Pew.”

Rev. Desiré P. Grogan is a vibrant and anointed member of the ordained clergy at the historic Shiloh Baptist Church in Washington, D.C. In 1992, Rev. Grogan became the first woman to be ordained by the Shiloh congregation, through the American Baptist Churches USA, since the Church’s inception in 1863. Rev. Grogan is a native Washingtonian who received her formal Author of Revelations from the Revelation of Jesus Christ, Chapters 1-3: A Commentary for the Believer in the Peweducation from the D.C. Public Schools. She holds a Bachelor of Music (B.M.) degree from the Boston University School of Fine Arts, a Master of Library Science (M.L.S.) degree from the University of Pittsburgh Graduate School of Library and Information Science, a Master of Divinity (M. Div.) degree from the Howard University School of Divinity, and a Master of Arts (M.A.) degree in Semitics (Hebrew, Aramaic, Ugaritic and Akkadian languages) from The Catholic University of America. Rev. Grogan serves within the Shiloh congregation and across denominational lines as preacher, teacher, and retreat facilitator. She believes her main qualification for writing Revelations from The Revelation of Jesus Christ is derived from the practical experience of having taught The Revelation in the Church setting with great success to believers who were not seminary-trained. She is a firm believer that scholarship should serve the pew, not laud it over the pew! In addition to her ministerial duties and to a diverse and lengthy career in the fields of library science and digital technology. Rev. Grogan serves with much passion and joy as Board member and Scholarship Chair of the Mamie Stanley Ash Memorial Scholarship Fund, so named for her maternal Grandmother who only achieved a third-grade education and from which a growing number of students continue to earn its scholarship to attend distinguished institutions of higher education.


Here are Rev. Desiré’s “five things”:

  1. Rev. Desiré has journeyed to the Holy Land and Rome on pilgrimage with her home church, Shiloh Baptist Church of Washington, D.C.
  2. Rev. Desiré is passionate about teaching Scripture and helping others to discover new layers of meaning in the Biblical text.
  3. Rev. Desiré has a love of animals and a tangible commitment to organizations and agencies that advocate for their care and preservation.
  4. Rev. Desiré has a tangible compassion for the homeless as the “Lazarus” to whom we are accountable (Luke 16:19-31).
  5. Rev. Desiré delights in preparing and eating shrimp in a variety of ways.

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For the believer in the pew, the Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ needs no other introduction than that it is the most avoided Book of Scripture that few feel capable of navigating and understanding on their own. The dense amount of imagery and the horrific scenes of judgment are mind-boggling and remain a mystery for many. The purpose of this volume is to empower you – the believer in the pew – with the most accessible tool to navigate and understand this last Book of Scripture, and that tool is the Bible itself, the Bible in your hand! You see, the God Who is speaking and acting in this last Book of Scripture has been speaking and acting throughout the Biblical text (cf. Heb 1:1-2). It is God’s intent, therefore, that you understand this last Book of Scripture just as He intended for you to understand all Scripture! The Revelations in this last Book were not hidden from you but for you to discover through diligent study! Let this volume be your entrance into the awe-inspiring zone of discovering and re-discovering the majesty and the consistency of the only God Who is worthy to be trusted and obeyed, worshipped and adored!

Learn more HERE.

5 Things About Author Brett Parks

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Author Brett Parks wrote the incredible true life story “Miracle Man: A Bullet that Ignited a Purpose-Filled Life.” Here are Brett’s “five things”:

I was an actor In New York. I don’t like to tell many people this, but, yes, I tried my hand in acting. I even went as far as going to New York and pursue my dream of being the next Marlon Brando (who is my favorite actor). I’d love to say that I made it to Broadway and later starred in a Blockbuster, but, sadly, that wasn’t in the cards for me at that juncture of my journey. But I WAS in a few Off-Broadway shows and Miracle Manlater was cast in a leading role as a “Kung Fu Vampire” in an independent film in Bermuda (The only reason I took the role). The film was left unfinished after “the money” pulled out of the project. I wasn’t upset at all. All the following week, I went fishing and swimming. Not a bad way to make a living.

I hate cutting my fingernails and toenails. I don’t know why, but I’ve always hated cutting my finger and toe nails. It’s not that I’m afraid of cutting my nails; it’s just the tediousness of it. I feel like my nails grow super fast and I’m so busy, that I can’t stand taking 10 minutes out of my day to clip them. I think God heard my complaints though when he took my right foot. Now, it doesn’t take NEARLY as long to clip my nails! Come on, guys, that’s funny.

I’m an International athlete. I was pulled out of a pool in Houston, Texas and thrown onto a volleyball court. I didn’t know it at the time, but that would change my life. I am now onBrett Parks 4 The USA Sitting Volleyball A2 team and looking to compete in the 2020 Paralympics in Tokyo, Japan. In 2014, I competed in the first annual Invictus Games (17 Nations with over 500 wounded/ill athletes) in London and will be competing in this year’s Invictus Games located in Orlando, Florida. I’m excited to bring the Gold home.

My wife and I are expecting our THIRD baby. My wife was seven months pregnant with our little girl (Stella) when I was shot and nearly died. Stella was born while I was still in the hospital and I felt robbed of her birth. For a while after, I wanted to try for a third but didn’t want to push my wife until she was ready. Well, she brought it up and I was ready to go. We prayed to The Lord and asked Him to have His hand in the decision. We set on a six-month timeline tBrett Parks 5o get pregnant. If, after 6 months, Susan wasn’t pregnant, we would take it that The Lord didn’t see fit that we have another. First, second, third and fourth months went by with no result. We were feeling as if another baby wasn’t in the cards for us. At month six, we were taking one last pregnancy test just so we could move on (we figured there wasn’t going to be a baby). I was so surprised when my wife ran out of the bathroom and jumped on me, knocking me onto the bed (don’t be too hard on me, I only have one leg) and yelled that she was pregnant! We didn’t hesitate holding each other and praising God for His perfect timing. We are very excited to announce that we are having a little boy! His name is John Rockefeller Parks (Johnny Rocco for short) and we are expecting him in July. Our kids are SO happy!

I’ve had dreams of being a professional wrestler. As early as I can remember, I have been in love with wrestling. I never really thought it was “Real”. I kind of always knew that it was a form of theater and entertainment. I’ve always appreciated the athleticism and choreography behind the storylines. Upon leaving New York in 2006, I was going to enlist myself in a wrestling school in Atlanta, Georgia. At the time, I was 190 lbs. and I told myself that if I could get myself to 200 lbs., I would register for school. After a few months, I got to 200 Lbs., but I was having knee problems at the time and the extra weight was really wearing my knee down. So, I decided to forgo a wrestling career. As of right now, I am 225 lbs. and my knees feel great! Maybe I still have a shot to get into the squared circle! I’m sure there is a good storyline for an amputee, if you smell what The Rock is cookin! Maybe that could be the follow up to Miracle Man!