Posts Tagged ‘Kindle’

Fiction Friday Sale: Azure Maris $2.99

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Fiction Friday 11 15Every week you can purchase Ambassador International’s Fiction Friday ebook selection for the incredibly low price of $2.99 on Amazon. This limited time sale will expire on Sunday so act fast! This week’s Fiction Friday title is Azure Maris, uniting  romance, adventure and faith in a world where mermaids and fallen angels exist among us. Azure Maris is just $2.99. Head to Amazon to buy now!

Tonight: Google + Chat with Author Peter Hubbard

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Love Into LightYou’re invited to a Google + Hangout with author Peter Hubbard tonight at 7pm Central. We’ll be discussing the Defense of Marriage Act ruling, the end of Exodus International and Peter’s new book, Love Into Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual and The Church. Buy the book for your Kindle for just $3.99, regularly $9.99.

Could God use one of the most controversial moral issues in our nation to awaken His church rather than damage it? Pastor Peter Hubbard believes He can. In his new book Love Into Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual and The Church Hubbard asks “How can Christians live in a culture that promotes the gay lifestyle, yet worship in a culture that never talks about it– other than possibly to condemn it?”

Love Into Light seeks to inject the cultural conversation with the same love and truth that Jesus offers. For those that see homosexuality as somehow worse than other sins, Hubbard offers clarity through his real-life counseling examples and scripture, explaining that self-righteous judgment of homosexuality is a sin just like homosexual behavior itself. “If our attitude toward a gay or lesbian person is disgust, we have forgotten the gospel,” says Hubbard. And for those who feel the Bible is an outdated resource on the topic, Hubbard argues its relevance.

Please RSVP now! (Click “yes” under “are you going?”)


Summer Sale: Five Books for the 4th!

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Need a gAmbassador's top summer reads ood book for the upcoming July 4th holiday? Ambassador recommends five great summer reads and this week they’re all on sale for $2.99 each for the Kindle! There’s nothing better than stretching out poolside or on the beach with a great book. And we’ve got some hot titles to add to your summer lineup:

Alana Candler, Marked for MurderAlana Candler, Marked for Murder by Joanie Bruce: Add some suspense to your summer with the search for Alana Candler’s stalker. When someone kidnaps her from a hotel and leaves her to die, Jaydn Holbrook, CEO and owner of the largest company in Tennessee, saves her life and promises to protect her. Alana’s trust in God’s protection intrigues him and compels him to explore her faith further. As tensions build, Jaydn and Alana are caught up in a dangerous web of hiding from the pursuer trying to kill them and fighting the attraction they feel for each other. BUY NOW

An Intimate CollisionAn Intimate Collision: Encounters with Life and Jesus by Craig Lounsbrough: This summer, face a sweeping and torrential infusion of what God intends for your life. Many of us live out flat, marginalized and ineffectual Christian lives. We fall achingly short of intimately connecting with and deeply interjecting the truths of scripture into the everyday realities of our lives as we live them out amidst the incessant demands and tangled complexities of the 21st century. Commit to change this summer. BUY NOW

Making RoomMaking Room by Elisa Pompili: Join 26-year-old Elizabeth on a two-week vacation to the North Carolina coast. While there, Elizabeth is intrigued by Nathan Monroe, a man who challenges her in all things faith- and family- related. Elizabeth can’t figure out why, but she feels compelled to share pieces of her story with Nathan, leading the pair into a deeper bond than Elizabeth could have ever expected. Can Elizabeth and Nathan’s relationship sustain the distance and their different beliefs? Will Elizabeth ask God for help, or will her continual resistance keep her from experiencing God’s promise of a foundational, unending sense of peace? BUY NOW

Silo CountrySilo Country by Amanda Robin Larcher: Summer in France as young Amanda Vissac moves from Paris to the small village of Thym with her family. She must adjust to a new life and new friends, navigating childhood, school bullying, and questions about God. BUY NOW


Till The Storm Passes ByTill the Storm Passes By by AnnaLee Conti: A quest for answers and a deathbed confession compel Evie Parker to cross the continent to Juneau, Alaska, where she struggles to unravel a past shrouded in mystery. Can she come through storms, both physical and emotional, to open her heart to true love? BUY NOW


National Autism Awareness Month: An Interview with Author D’Ann Renner

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Dancing From the ShadowsIn celebration of National Autism Awareness Month, Ambassador International spotlights author D’Ann Renner and her book Dancing From the Shadows that discusses her firsthand experience with having her child diagnosed with autism. During National Autism Awareness Month, D’Ann’s book is available on or for only $3.99 for your eReader. In the United States alone, an estimated 1 out of 54 boys and 1 in 252 girls are diagnosed with autism according to Renner provides inspiration for parents everywhere who experience similar difficulties and pleasures of having a child with autism.

Ambassador: What were the main signs from your child that ultimately lead to the autism diagnosis?

D’Ann Renner: He didn’t play with toys typically- he’d spin the wheels of a toy truck without doing anything else. He would spend hours spinning a mixing bowl or watching a ceiling fan. He didn’t make much eye contact, was speech-delayed, and didn’t seem to feel pain.

Ambassador: How did you find peace with God after the autism diagnosis?

D’Ann Renner: I was angry and depressed at first, because I knew God could heal him, but wasn’t choosing to do so. I wondered how I had so displeased God that He would choose to punish my son. That’s just plain bad theology! Eventually, I came to the place that I could trust that God loved my son more than I did, and had a good plan for his life. Autism is not a punishment. It’s a challenge, but it’s also a gift. We all have challenges that God can turn into gifts if we allow Him.

Ambassador: Do you still struggle with finding peace? How do you deal with those moments?

D’Ann Renner: Yes, especially at transition times- like entering high school, or when other kids are getting their learner’s permits. At those times, I see a Grand Canyon sized gap D'Ann Rennerbetween reality and what my expectations were. I deal with it by reminding myself: God is Sovereign, God is good. Only He knows how beautifully our lives are being woven into the tapestry of eternity.

Ambassador: After immersing yourself into the special needs world for autism, what information do you wish was more widely known?

D’Ann Renner: Children with autism DO want to have social relationships. They DO have senses of humor. One just has to work harder to discover how to interact with them, and it takes time and patience.  And- kids with autism, even if they are non-verbal, understand a lot more of what is being said and what is happening, and they can be badly hurt by it.

Ambassador: What similarities do you share with the main character in Dancing From the Shadows?

D’Ann Renner: I did have a successful career in marketing, although not nearly as brilliant as Tori’s. We did adopt children from Bulgaria, and I’ve experienced many of the incidents she does in the book, although I fictionalized them and merged them with the experiences of others. THERE IS NO SIMILARITY BETWEEN MY HUSBAND BRUCE AND TORI’S HUSBAND PHILLIP!  Bruce is a wonderful, supportive husband, but that’s not true for many parents with special needs children. The character Phillip was based on the ex-spouses (male and female) of many friends and acquaintances.

Ambassador: Do you have any advice for parents who recently received the autism diagnosis?

D’Ann Renner: I’m going to go against the norm here, so understand this is just my feeling. It’s more important, in my opinion, to concentrate on expanding the child’s ability to think flexibly and communicate than it is to teach rote skills. I feel we concentrated so much in the early years on getting Luke to speak that I neglected working on his desire to communicate, and expanding his ability to think in a flexible way.  If I had it to do over again, I’d embrace more therapies like Floor Time, Relational Development Intervention, Neurodevelopment and programs like the SonRise protocol, rather than ABA. But that is just my opinion and many wonderful parents disagree with me.

Through the month of April, National Autism Awareness Month, pick up a copy of Dancing From the Shadows for your eReader for only $3.99! Shop now at or


Score Free eBooks for Your eReader

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Were you one of the millions of people who unwrapped a new ereader this Christmas? If so, you’ll want to check out this video. Our publicist Alison Storm shares lots of resources for scoring free ebooks for your device! Did you know that research shows people who read digital books consume an average of 24 books a year while those who read print books finish 15? If your 2013 resolution is to read more, you may want to get your hands on an ereader!

$2.99 Kinde Sale Ends Friday!

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Now’s the time to load up your Kindle with great Christian fiction because our $2.99 sale ends on Friday! Hot new releases and old favorites are all marked down to $2.99. Enjoy great titles including:

LukewarmLukewarm by Will Montgomery: Lukewarm is an apprehensive adventure that takes place in Nashville, Tennessee through relationships seen via the eyes of freelance writer Luke Jennings, his actor/waiter roommate/best friend Blair (B) and his song-writing sister Harvi. Although Luke’s love life starts out as the least promising, he has the most developed philosophies and rules on friendship, dating and other interactions between genders. Luke wades through awkward waters with an ex-girlfriend, ring shopping with his dream girl (who’s in love with another man) and begins dating a Facebook crush. When B gets a part in a major motion picture and Harvi’s boyfriend shows her who he really is, hearts are changed and eyes are opened to new possibilities. Throughout these experiences, Luke fills the reader (and his friends) in on his astutely accurate discoveries on human behavior and post-modern love. BUY NOW

Finding TomFinding Tom by Simeon Harrar: In a small southern town Tom Weston collapsed in a heap on the red earth. She couldn’t be gone. He wasn’t ready to say goodbye. He closed his eyes and saw again the stiff corpse laying in the bed upstairs. This was not a dream. A tale of grief, faith, and hope, Finding Tom follows the life of teenager Tom Weston as he strives to make sense of his shattered world. Given an opportunity to escape Podunk Greenwood and his past, he finds himself at the gates of the highly prestigious Locklear University. Tom and wealthy roommate, Charles Montgomery, are fatefully paired to tackle the pressures of school, family, and their impending futures as they join a mysterious secret society together. When blonde bombshell Julia Stine walks into the picture things only get more confusing. BUY NOW

simmer down mr cSimmer Down, Mr. C by Scott Bitely: As a naïve undergraduate, Ted Carter has big dreams. Though TV did nothing to prepare him for his role as an educator, it certainly inspired him. Fresh out of college, Ted is ready to impact eager-to-learn minds. As summer fades, and September inches closer, he reluctantly accepts the only job he’s offered: a sixth grade teaching position in his hometown of Coleman, a small, quiet village tucked away in the hills of northern Michigan. A wild ride of unexpected trials and awkward moments as a raw first-year teacher ensues. BUY NOW

the color of my heartThe Color of My Heart by Sarah Martin Boyd: Living in the foothills of North Carolina, Laura Carter has it all: a nice home, wonderful adoptive parents, two lovely teenage daughters, and a to-die-for handsome husband. As they celebrate freedom on the Fourth of July, she’s certain that nothing could ever shatter her perfect American life: Or could it? An unexpected letter from her great-grandmother brings Laura face-to-face with her birth family. At their first, shocking meeting, she receives a stack of diaries that trace a heartbreaking voyage from Africa to Jekyll Island, Georgia, via a slave ship. Thanks to the missionary who lived with her ancestors in Africa and taught them how to speak and write English, Laura holds in her hands a gripping record of their lives. Could the realities of her mixed-race heritage destroy her family? BUY NOW

All Kindle Fiction Now Just $2.99!

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Kindle Sale AdWhat costs less than a latte, a bucket of popcorn at the movie theater or the Sunday edition of the New York Times? All of Ambassador’s fiction for the Kindle! Starting immediately, Ambassador is lowering the price on all Christian fiction for the Kindle. We’re excited to offer our library of Kindle eBooks at the new price of $2.99. We think this is a great value for readers who are looking for inspiring, entertaining and thought-provoking Christian fiction. So go ahead and find a great new book to download for your Kindle now!

Don’t miss out on the latest Ambassador International news!

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In today’s world, it’s hard not to be involved in at least one social media website. At Ambassador International, we want to make sure we reach out to everyone! We are located on some of the top social media websites. Make sure you check out our pages to get the latest book information, helpful writing tips, giveaways, and much more!

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