Posts Tagged ‘Tear Down This Wall of Silence’

99¢ SALE: One Day Only!

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On the surface the church is always opposed to abuse, but dig deeper and you will find a long history of minimized crime, protected perpetrators and shunned victims. In Tear Down This Wall of Silence: Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Our Churches, author Dale Ingraham attempts to shed light on a difficult and painful topic while pointing Christians in the direction of loving action. Tear Down This Wall of Silence is just 99¢ today only. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend, and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait- pick up this book now for your Kindle!

TearDown99Synopsis: Why do so many of our churches feel like a safe place for sexual offenders, but an unsafe place for survivors of abuse? The wall of silence regarding sexual abuse in our churches must be torn down. Christians must hear. Tear Down This Wall of Silence answers questions such as:
• Who are the Enablers who help keep a system of abuse in place?
• Wrong thinking has kept this sin covered in our churches for decades. What are the truths that need to be proclaimed instead?
• Churches, families, and friends must not turn away. How do we properly grieve such a tragedy? How can we offer hope?
• The offender must show fruits of repentance. How can he begin to make restitution?
• How can the abuse survivor find true safety in Jesus Christ?
Through personal memoir, voices of authoritative professionals, and the words of abuse survivors themselves, Tear Down This Wall of Silence provides a foundational explanation of the problem of sexual abuse in our churches and its aftermath, and offers hope for real change. BUY NOW!

$1.99 SALE: One Day Only!

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For 24 Hours we’re offering THREE powerful non-fiction titles for just $1.99 each! Pick up Peter Hubbard’s book Love into the Light, Judith Hartzell’s book By God’s Design, and Dale Ingraham & Rebecca Davis’s book Tear Down this Wall of Silence at a discounted rate for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend, and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait- pick up these books right now for just $1.99 each on Kindle!

Love into the Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual and the Church

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 Synopsis: Homosexuality is one of the most controversial moral issues of our day. Headlines teem with stories of athletes’“coming out,” politicians changing positions and courts handing down same-sex marriage rulings. Sadly the church has often been afraid to talk about homosexuality. Many Christians feel confused and divided between the call to love and the call for truth. And many who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction feel alone and alienated by the church. The time is ripe for God’s people to think and speak about same-sex attraction in a way that is both biblical and beneficial. We must reject our fears and misunderstandings and see ourselves together in need of the grace of Jesus. Love Into Light is designed to move the church toward that end. Written from the heart of a pastor with a love for people and a sensitivity to our culture, Love Into Light is your next step toward becoming more faithfully and helpfully engaged with people in your families, in your church and in your neighborhood. BUY NOW


By God’s Design: Overcoming Same-Sex Attraction: A True Story

unnamed (5) Synopsis: What happens when a man finds himself sunk in a downward spiral of risky homosexual acts and he knows no way to escape?  And when he is about to lose his prestigious and profitable career, along with his marriage, and even his life?  The answer would have been certain tragedy for Alan Medinger if not for a praying wife and the mercy of God. Restored and inspired, he went on to establish a ministry for same-sex-attracted people (Regeneration of Baltimore, Maryland), where he and his wife, Willa, influenced hundreds to turn from homosexuality and seek holiness.  Through their work with Exodus International, they influenced thousands more. When quarrels and dissension affected Exodus in Alan’s last years, he predicted its demise and explained how ministries would continue to succeed without it. Through Alan and Willa Medinger’s story in By God’s Design,  you will learn the truth about homosexuality, its causes, its healing, and how the church can help. BUY NOW


Tear Down this Wall of Silence: Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Our Churches (An Introduction for Those who will Hear)

unnamed (4) Synopsis: Why do so many of our churches feel like a safe place for sexual offenders, but an unsafe place for survivors of abuse? The wall of silence regarding sexual abuse in our churches must be torn down. Christians must hear.

Tear Down This Wall of Silence answers questions such as:

  • Who are the Enablers who help keep a system of abuse in place?
  • Wrong thinking has kept this sin covered in our churches for decades. What are the truths that need to be proclaimed instead?
  • Churches, families, and friends must not turn away. How do we properly grieve such a tragedy? How can we offer hope?
  • The offender must show fruits of repentance. How can he begin to make restitution?
  • How can the abuse survivor find true safety in Jesus Christ?

Through personal memoir, voices of authoritative professionals, and the words of abuse survivors themselves, Tear Down This Wall of Silence provides a foundational explanation of the problem of sexual abuse in our churches and its aftermath, and offers hope for real change. BUY NOW

Wickedness of Sexual Abuse in Christian Church Exposed in New Book

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Authors highlight dangers lurking among complacent Christians

For immediate release: On the surface the church is always opposed to abuse, but dig deeper and you will find a long history of minimized crime, protected perpetrators and shunned victims. In Tear Down This Wall of Silence: Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Our Churches (Ambassador International; April 2015; $14.99, paperback) Dale Ingraham and Rebecca Davis attempt to shed light on a difficult and painful topic while pointing Christians in the direction of loving action.

Tear Down this Wall of SilenceTear Down This Wall of Silence shouts at such people to open their eyes, expose the wickedness that works to creep in among Christ’s people, and shine the light of God’s truth on it so brightly that it can no longer hide or even exist in our pews,” writes pastor and author Jeff Crippen.

When it comes to sexual sin, it appears the church has a blind spot. But the statistics of sexual abuse are shocking, and the statistics are no different in the Christian community:

  • Nine out of ten child molesters molest children they already know, according to the Abel and Harlow Child Molestation Prevention Study of 2001.
  • As many as one in three girls and one in six boys will be raped or molested by age 18.
  • Studies show that 18-20% of young women will be sexually assaulted during college.
  • Statistics show that only 3% of these cases of abuse ever reach a conviction.

Tear Down This Wall of Silence contains stories from many brave survivors, including Ingraham’s wife Faith, who was abused by her father, a Baptist pastor. These sections are italicized in gray to help other survivors avoid any unwanted triggers.

Boz Tchividjian, founder and executive director of GRACE (Godly Response to Abuse in a Christian Environment), says “Dale helps us understand the complicated dynamics of sexual abuse within the Church… He also provides a comprehensive overview of the myriad of reasons why the Church often prefers darkness and secrecy to light and transparency. Perhaps the most powerful punch of this book is that it is written by one who has not simply studied the subject, but whose life has been so dramatically impacted by all he has seen and experienced.”

A common concern of well-meaning Christians is that admitting there is a problem will hurt efforts to lead people to Christ. Whether purposefully or unwittingly, these people are enabling abuse to continue. “It’s the sin that hurts the work of Christ and brings shame to the church— not exposing it,” writes Ingraham. “How can dealing with abuse and holding offenders account­able for their sins possibly hurt the name of Christ?”

About the Authors: Dale Ingraham, a pastor for over thirty years, is also the husband of Faith, a survivor of nine years of incest. Together they founded Speaking Truth in Love Ministries, awakening churches and other ministries to the realities of sexual abuse within our Christian communities and helping them understand how to deal with it.

Rebecca Davis is an author and editor with a passion to help the oppressed. She is on the advisory board of Speaking Truth in Love Ministries.

To connect with the authors please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].


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