Marriage Triage: A Guide to Healing for the Hurting Spouse

by Stephen Goode

Genres: Christian Living, Ministry

ISBN: 9781620200186

208 pages

Price: $12.99

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Triage (tree-ahzh): the assignment of
degrees of urgency to decide the order of treatment
of people injured in a battle or disaster.

Marriage Triage: A Guide to Healing for the Hurting Spouse  tends to the wounded Christian whose marriage is in crisis. When the biblical model of what a Christian marriage is meant to be has been broken. Marriage Triage  will encourage the hurting spouse to make biblical choices when tempted to give in to emotional decisions.

Pain, hurt, and betrayal can bring out the very worst in our decision-making processes. While other marriage relationship titles are designed to help marriages improve, Marriage Triage is geared to help a spouse emotionally and spiritually survive.

No Perfect Marriage Dinner Evening Preview! from Stephen Goode on Vimeo.

“As a police officer, Steve Goode spent a decade caring for broken people in dangerous and heart-wrenching situations. WIth the same courage, he now faces the sometimes ugly realities of life and the painful circumstances of marriage without flinching, applying faith and God’s Word in a real-life, soul healing manner. His writings and speaking invite us to keep our sight on God in all the seasons of life, whether difficult or pleasant.”
– Gary Thomas, Author of Sacred Marriage and The Sacred Search

Marriage Triage.” What a great name for a book! Marriage triage. What we need in our marriages. Rev. Goode has written a book that will help married couples deal with the real, essential areas of their marriage. I pray it will have a wide readership.”
– Jerry Vines, Pastor Emeritus, First Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Fl; president, Jerry Vines Ministries, Inc; two time president, Southern Baptist Convention.


Stephen Goode is the Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Senior Adult Ministries at Northside Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina. He is a graduate of Trinity Bible College and Theological Seminary with a B.A. in biblical counseling. Steve hosts The Biblical Counseling Moment aired on the radio and iTunes podcast as well as the weekly Blogtalk Radio show online. He has been married to April Durham Goode since 1994, and they have two children. Stephen’s burden and passion is to lead married couples and individuals into a deeper walk with Jesus Christ.