Misguided Passions and the Lord's Prayer by Curt Richards, a Christian resource on the Lord's Prayer

Misguided Passions and the Lord’s Prayer

by Curt Richards

Genres: Bible Study & Devotionals

ISBN: 9781649604361

120 pages

Price: $12.99

When our passions overtake us—as they often will—compulsive and addictive behaviors can set in. We can become so entrenched in these negative patterns and habits that we may feel as if we have lost control of our lives. In Misguided Passions and the Lord’s Prayer, Curt Richards examines the Lord’s Prayer line by line and draws out comforting and reassuring insights that can be applied to the daily lives of anyone, especially those struggling with misguided passions. Richards shines a light on the beautiful universal truths found in the Lord’s Prayer and offers encouragement and hope to those who feel trapped or weighed down by their misguided passions.


Curt Richards is a retired public school teacher from the Upstate of South Carolina. He has taught various science courses for thirty-eight years ranging from middle school to college.
During his career, Richards has mentored numerous teachers and practice teachers. He feels that there is no higher calling than to guide young people as well as adults through their education.
In his spare time, Richards enjoys studying nature, gardening, hiking, reading, socializing with family and friends, and writing across multiple genres.