
by W. J. Brown

Genres: Children & Young Adult, Science Fiction, Young Adult

ISBN: 9781620207130

420 pages

Price: $18.99

Johann Smedley Oberhausen is a 16-year-old child prodigy with gifts in academics and baseball, but when he and his friends in the Eleutheria Club record top-secret phone calls from two devious, powerful men, Johann is forced to take a break from his college classes to help stop an impending world disaster.

With family friend Chief Ryan leading their efforts, Johann teams up with Chinese student Huang-Tai, Eleutheria Club members, and many others from various U.S. departments, corporations, and countries to launch a satellite into space that could save millions of lives from two dominating men who can’t fight their own battles.

In his fight against the clock, Johann realizes the beauty of humanity, and that perhaps every life is significant.


W. J. Brown is a professor and Research Fellow in the School of Communication and the Arts at Regent University in Virginia Beach, Virginia. He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Environmental Science from Purdue University, a Master's Degree in Communication Management from the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Communication, also from the University of Southern California. His academic research interests include international media, development, and the use of entertainment for social change. Dr. Brown has published extensively in academic journals and books in the field of communication during the past thirty years and has served as a Fulbright Senior Specialist in the Netherlands and Norway. Significant is his second novel.