The Call of A Caregiver: Finding Comfort, Pursuing Purpose

by Jessica Mast

Genres: Biography, Christian Living, Grief, Inspirational

ISBN: 9781935507642

208 pages

Price: $11.99

In this true story in The Call of a Caregiver, Jessica Mast tells of the trials she and her late husband endured through the months of his illness and hospitalizations.  Called by God as his caregiver, she shares all that she witnessed and experienced as she stood by his side day by day while clenching to the hope that God would heal him.  However, when this illness took his life, Jessica was left a young widow at the age of 25.  Buried in her grief and despair, she didn’t know how she would survive not only this incredible loss but also the challenge of her faith in her beloved Savior, Jesus Christ.  While feeling lost and alone, Jessica began to realize a new dimension of the love and heart of God.  Join her on this journey of triumph over all that came against her when she felt that all was lost and see how God comes through as only He can.


Jessica Mast was born and raised in South Carolina where she received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from Winthrop University in 2002. She was employed as an Executive Administrative Assistant for five years and is now a stay at home mom and author and doing her ultimate passion, sharing her story with others. Jessica and her husband, PJ, reside in the Greenville, SC, area with their daughters, Catherine and Elizabeth.