The Enigma of Father Vera Daniel

by Michael Gryboski

Genres: Fiction, Historical

ISBN: 9781649603432

336 pages

Price: $17.99

Father Vera Daniel was a man of mystery.

He served as a parish priest in the rural regions of the Kingdom of Parvion, one of the great powers of its day. Although welcoming of gentry and commoner alike, Father Vera kept his past hidden from his congregation—and would later keep his location hidden from a trio of inspectors.

While Father Vera was raised to be a loyal citizen of Parvion, he found himself increasingly at odds with the very monarchy that he had sworn to obey as a child.

All the while, many met in secret, plotting against Father Vera due to his allegiance to the Church.

As Parvion’s chronic warfare, economic woes, and increasing intolerance of dissent feed the calls for Revolution, the charitable clergyman would find himself in the greatest danger of his life.


Michael Gryboski was born and raised in the Washington, DC, metropolitan area. He graduated from George Mason University with a bachelor of arts and then a master's, both in history. In addition to writing fiction, Michael also writes news articles for a living. Michael would rather be correct than widely accepted.