Archive for the ‘Giveaways and Events’ Category

Merry Christmas in July!

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It’s Christmas in July and it’s our biggest event of the year!

Our annual Facebook event is the perfect way for you to browse our new releases and get to know our authors. You can ask questions, dig in deeper, and add a stack of books to your to-be-read list. We know, we know – that list never stops growing. But we have so many titles and don’t want anyone to miss out!

From exhilarating sci-fi to historical fiction set in the French Revolution, to books on end-time theology, and one person’s struggle with a terminal diagnosis, our books will leave you inspired and draw you closer to Christ.


But first – you have to join the group! Click here for this exclusive opportunity to browse new releases and chat with our award-winning authors!










At Ambassador International, our mission is to provide the Church with Christian books written by Christian authors – published by a Christian publisher. It is no small feat to go against secular media and houses, but we are not called to do easy things. Every time you purchase a book, leave a review or recommend one of our books, you are helping to continue our mission.


We hope to see you soon!




New Book Magazine Launching: Ambassador Sponsoring 1-Year Subscription

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Hope by the Book is a new magazine for readers by readers.

The Hope by the Book mission statement is:

We love books. We live books.
In fact, to us, books and lifestyle are interchangeable.

Books inspire us to change our lives, to refine our souls, to stretch our imaginations, and to deepen our faith.

We are avid readers and book ambassadors, and we invite you to join us as we find Hope by the book.

Hope by the Book magazine


You can learn more about Hope by the Book HERE.


Ambassador International is so excited about this new magazine launching in November…because we love books, too!! And to celebrate, we want to award one lucky winner with a one-year subscription! Entry details below. If you don’t win and want to subscribe, use the code “BOOKISH” for a discount off your subscription!

Win 1-Year Subscription to “Hope by the Book”!

Terms and Conditions:
Winner is subject to eligibility verification.

The winner will receive one-year only subscription to “Hope by the Book” magazine. The winner will be announced on Ambassador International’s Facebook page on November 1, 2018, between 12:01am and 11:59 pm, and will have 24 hours to claim, or they forfeit the prize. No purchase required.

This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Instagram or Facebook.

“Fate of the Watchman” Cover Reveal Scavenger Hunt and Giveaway

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Join the scavenger hunt to see the full cover of Chad Pettit’s Fate of the Watchman and also look for clues to win a $10 Barnes and Noble egiftcard and a free digital pre-release ebook of Fate of the Watchman!

Welcome to the Fate of the Watchman Cover Reveal Scavenger Hunt! You have arrived at stop #8.

Please take time to carefully read the details below and follow the clues to the next stop.
The hunt began August 30, 2018, at Reading is My Superpower and ends on September 7, 2018, at 11:59pm EST at Chad Pettit’s site where he’ll reveal the full cover for his book! There will be 9 stops on this scavenger hunt, and you will find a CLUE IN RED at each stop. Write them down as you go. At the end of the hunt, you will unscramble and enter the clues into the giveaway entry form.

Chad Pettit

Who is Chad?

Chad Pettit grew up in Oregon with books and the mountains to help his imagination grow. After high school, he spent ten years in the Army, travelling and deploying all over the world, including two combat tours in Iraq. After the military, Chad earned a Bachelor of Arts in English from Texas A&M University-Central Texas, and then he started teaching English at an early college high school in central Texas. Chad currently serves in a local church as a deacon and the Sunday school superintendent.

What is Fate of the Watchman?

Lester Sharp is a workaholic, obsessed with the success of his business and oblivious to the world around him. All of that changes when a peculiar stranger comes into his shop asking for food and help. Lester soon finds himself on an impossible journey around the world to bear witness to some of the greatest tragedies a person can know, all frozen in a single moment of time. In this challenging and gripping novel, debut author Chad Pettit, delivers a supernatural, pulse-pounding adventure in which Lester Sharp is in for the longest second of his life and learns lessons to last a lifetime.

Fate of the Watchman is a novella that releases on October 1, 2018, and will be followed by Chad’s second full-length novel Fate of the Redeemed {release date TBD}.

What’s next?

Below is the cover teaser!

Fate of the Watchman

Follow Chad for more updates on his novels! Details below:
For more information about
Chad Pettit & Fate of the Watchman
please visit:
Instagram: @chad_pettit_


Thanks so much for stopping by our site and participating in the Fate of the Watchman Cover Reveal Scavenger Hunt and Giveaway. Before you move on to Stop #9 to pick up your next clue, be sure to write down this clue: to

See you at the end and happy hunting!

If you missed the beginning and need to go back, you can find the links below:

Day 1:

Reading is My Superpower

Day 2:

Allen Steadham

Day 3:

Daphne Self

Day 4:

Christian Shelf Esteem

Day 5:

Heather Norman Smith

Day 6:

Allison Wells

Day 7:

Katie Cruice Smith

“Fate of the Watchman” Scavenger Hunt Cover Reveal Giveaway

Why Did You Choose Me? Pre-order Perks and giveaway!

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Katie Cruice Smith’s highly anticipated new book Why Did You Choose Me? is now available for pre-order! Katie Cruice Smith, a foster and adoptive mom, strives to answer that question in a way that young children can understand. Drawing from her own experience as an adoptive mom to three children, Katie uses the questions her own children have asked her and her husband in order to draw them to the response that there never really was a choice—she knew right away that they were hers.

Pre-Order Smith’s new book Why Did You Choose Me? and you’ll enjoy some great freebies and offers including:

+ Free download of The Itzels’ There is Hope (Siri’s Song)
+A downloadable adoption print by artist Sarah Strickling Jones
+A chance to win:
  • A copy of Hope CD by the Itzels
  • A LulaRoe $25 credit {provided by an adopting family}
  • A copy of Why Did You Choose Me? {to keep or gift!}


Simply purchase your book from an online retailer and forward your receipt to [email protected] to receive your free download and be entered in the giveaway!


Why Did You Choose Me? is available at the following retailers:
Ambassador International:
Book Depository:

**purchases from any retailers are accepted**

“The High Calling of Motherhood” Study Guide Freebie!

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The High Calling of Motherhood

Does motherhood matter?

Have we lost our sense of identity, especially through social media, which can pour both accolades and acid into our hearts and minds? Does our role as a mother have any lasting purpose? What about the hard stuff? Do we self-medicate more than we self-motivate to fight for our families? If we don’t have a sense of purpose, how will our children?

Chimene Shipley Dupler believes you are created for more. You are created in the image of God. You have value, significance, and purpose. You are chosen! In her new book, Chimene will challenge and inspire you. Motherhood can change the trajectory of a generation as we discover the authority that God has given mothers. Chimene desires to see mothers experience the joy that comes in the value and worth that God places on motherhood.

Motherhood is a calling—a high calling from God. Chimene will equip you and give you tools for success. You are a difference maker. You are raising world changers. You are a mom.

Hey Moms! If you bought or received a copy of this book, we have a special freebie for you!

What is the freebie?

The High Calling of Motherhood Study Guide has been created as a practical tool for discussion, but also to help you think more critically about some key points in the book. Whether you are discussing The High Calling of Motherhood in a book club, Bible Study, or mom’s group, these questions will hopefully only be the beginning of great dialogue and discussion as you think more critically and intentionally about who you are in Christ and your high calling as a mother. These questions are a springboard to dive deeper into conversation. Chimene Shipley Dupler’s desire is that these questions get you started into something deeper and much greater as you challenge and encourage one another in your sacred and high calling as a mother.

How to get it?

First, take a selfie of you holding your copy of “The High Calling of Motherhood” and share it on social media with the hashtag: HighCallingofMotherhood (#HighCallingofMotherhood).

Then, send a screenshot of your post to [email protected] and you’ll get a FREE copy of the “High Calling of Motherhood Study Guide“!

We’re running this promotion for the month of May, after that the price of the study guide will be $1.99. Post now to get your freebie!

“Love Him Anyway” Book Fair to Benefit Shriners

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Are you local to the Greenville area? We’d love to have you at our signing and discussion event with “Love Him Anyway” author Abby Banks! Join us at the Barnes and Noble on Woodruff Road on April 22, at 10am! Read more about Wyatt’s incredible story here, and find out more about the event on our Facebook page. Hope to see you there!1937145_149031518202_2464565_n

Love Him Anyway

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The High Calling of Motherhood Blog Tour

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The High Calling of Motherhood Blog Tour

Check back here daily to keep up with The High Calling of Motherhood blog tour stops!


Blog Tour Stops

March 1, 2017
March 2, 2017
March 3, 2017
March 4, 2017
March 5, 2017
March 6, 2017
March 7, 2017
March 8, 2017
March 9, 2017
March 10, 2017
March 11, 2017
March 12, 2017
March 13, 2017
March 14, 2017
March 15, 2017
March 16, 2017
March 17, 2017
March 18, 2017
March 19, 2017
March 20, 2017
March 21, 2017
March 22, 2017
March 23, 2017
March 24, 2017
March 25, 2017
March 26, 2017
March 27, 2017
March 28, 2017
March 29, 2017
March 30, 2017
March 31, 2017


The High of Calling of Motherhood Blog Tour Giveaway

The High Calling of Motherhood Blog Tour Day 1

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I was so glad that I was able to read The High Calling of Motherhood and am excited to introduce it to you today. This was a book that went straight to my heart. As “Mom” to a 7-month old son, I’m still knee deep in the midnight feedings, teething pains, sleepless nights, you-name-its, and am finding that motherhood can be hard. But alternately, I’m finding that motherhood is one of the most beautiful things I’ve faced to date. To watch my son learn and explore and to “see” things through his eyes, it’s amazing. And to add in the kisses and the smiles he reserves for mama – or the way he snuggles up in my arms and he’s content and happy. I love those moments. But sometimes, it can hard to see the beauty through the hard times and that’s exactly what The High Calling of Motherhood helped me do.

What stuck out to me most was Chimene’s discussion over Judea and Jerusalem and how we, as mothers, are supposed to focus on “our Jerusalem”—our mission field {and in this context, that’s my child}. Chimene explains it so well in the book and you should read it for yourself to get a full understanding of this concept, but in essence, Jerusalem was the home base for the disciples—even if they were to go into the world—and our home base is our family and our home. She writes, “Our primary mission field is home base, first and foremost. This is a gift and honor. We have been chosen to share Jesus with our children. We are chosen and called to preach the gospel, first making disciples in our own homes. Just think of the exponential influence this intentionality could have when our children begin making disciples of their own!” I love this concept of the ripple effect. It’s not a new concept and applies to so many areas of life, but when viewing it in light of raising my child to be a “World Changer” for Jesus, it’s such a helpful visual to have and I find it helps me have a better perspective.

Since I’m still knee deep in the baby stage, I haven’t had the chance to put much of that into practice, but I appreciate that I have this advice in mind now before heading into these prime child-rearing years and admit to highlighting a lot of points in The High Calling of Motherhood! It’s a book that I think I will reference many times over the next few years and a book I think is good for every mother to read—no matter what stage of life you’re in. There is SO much more covered in the book than what I covered in this introductory review, but I want to save some so you have a reason to read the book yourself! I’ll leave you with this, my favorite quote from the book that goes along with the previous concept: “The greatest place of influence is a mother in the home. If we can reach the mom, we can reach the family. If we can reach the family, we can change the world {emphasis mine}.”

You can pre-order your own copy of The High Calling of Motherhood at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Ambassador’s online retail store  {use code “HighCalling” entered at time of purchase for a 10% pre-order discount}.

Don’t forget to enter The High Calling of Motherhood “Winner’s Choice” blog tour giveaway. One winner will be chosen and will get to choose between a custom made “World Changer” necklace by The Giving Keys {that is being unveiled at the Passion4Moms conference} or two tickets to attend the Passion4Moms conference being held in DC, May 5-6, 2017. Enter below!


The High of Calling of Motherhood Blog Tour Giveaway

The High Calling of Motherhood