Who Will Rescue Us?: A Love Story

…frightening aspects of being a new immigrant and then confronts the terror of another part of America’s underbelly—child trafficking. For all the trauma and dramatic tragedy found in its pages,…

Five Things About Author Steve Whigham

…to admit it, I’m a reading geek. I can’t get enough reading time in. I’ve got so many books I’m currently reading encompassing so many subjects: history, politics, philosophy, arts,…

Summer Fiction Blast Ebook Sale!

Are you looking for some new reading material to take on vacation with you this summer? Why not travel with Ambassador International?! Listed below are the Christian fiction books that…

Are You Part of the Blogger Review Program?

We’re shipping out review copies of our newest Irish cookbook, Favorite Flavors of Ireland to our blogger review team and it got us thinking– WOULD YOU LIKE TO REVIEW BOOKS,…

The Year of the Bear

…read.” Gregory D. Pacific, PhD Board of Directors/Faculty Akamai University Durham, North Carolina “As a child my grade school teachers read the Laura Ingalls Wilder books to us after lunch….

10 Little Disciples

Learn to count and give Christ-like service while following ten little disciples on their journey to see Jesus. Ten Little Disciples is an engaging, rhyming picture book for children that…