Would you like to uncover the hidden time, money, peace, energy, space, freedom, and joy you never knew you had. Declutter Now! authors Lindon and Sherry Gareis have partnered with YouVersion Bible app to bring you the Declutter Now! 30 Day Devotional.
Discover the amazing possibilities when living a decluttered life for yourself, your family, and most importantly, for Christ.
YouVersion is a simple, ad-free Bible app that brings God’s Word into your daily life. It is a free Bible on your phone, tablet, and computer. The creators of YouVersion, at Bible.com, are not only building a tool to impact the world using innovative technology, but more importantly, engaging people into relationships with God as they discover the relevance the Bible has for their lives.
To assist you in your journey, be sure to check out the great FREE resources on the authors site along their books Declutter Now! Uncovering the Hidden Joy and Freedom in Your Life and Declutter Now! Study Guide: 8 Weeks to Uncovering the Hidden Joy and Freedom in Your Life.