Posts Tagged ‘authors’

Find Greatness in Ordinary Moments With New Book

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The Twelve Gifts of LifeAuthor Cindy Champnella shares 12 gifts of her life

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Cindy Champnella believes life is not meant to be survival of the fittest. We all face uncertainties– floundering finances, failing families and fickle friendships. Champnella’s new book The Twelve Gifts of Life: Finding Extraordinary Meaning in Ordinary Moments (Ambassador International; October 2012; $14.99; Paperback) shows that life gives us wonderful memories and experiences through every single unnoticed moment.  “The gifts of life restore us, they give us hope,” she says. “They give our lives meaning. They are meant to be savored. ”

Champnella says The Twelve Gifts of Life is a guidebook to her younger self. “Sometimes we miss the gifts that are right in front of us until we are at the end of our lives and we more clearly understand the beginning,” she says. “If we view the world as a gift we will be much more joyful. If we spent as much time giving thanks for what we have instead of yearning for what do not have, we would be a lot happier.” Also, The Twelve Gifts of Life encourages readers to use prayer as a source of strength. “It should be the place we go to for directions to the right path instead of the place we go for help when we crash,” says Champnella.

Cindy Champnella is a PhD prepared psychologist, author and acclaimed speaker. She has assisted hundreds of families in their international adoption efforts. She is married and has five children, including two daughters adopted from China. The Twelve Gifts of Life was inspired by her daughter Jaclyn, an orphan from China.

To learn more about the author Cindy Champnella and The Twelve Gifts of Life, visit For interview requests please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].


“Real Faith” is a Believer’s Guide to the Christian Faith

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real faithNew Book Explains What Christians Believe and Why

For immediate release: In the last 20 years the number of adults reading the Bible regularly has dropped to just two in five who read Scripture each week, according to Barna Group research. Relying on popular culture and not the Word of God for life guidance is a major problem within the Church today, according to author John Murray. Real Faith: What’s at the Heart of the Gospel? (Ambassador International; September 2012; $13.99, paperback) is a new guidebook for Christian believers. “Real Faith covers the main issues of the Christian faith,” explains Murray. “The book discusses what we believe, why we believe it and what is expected of us because we believe it.”

Real Faith guides Christians into a deeper understanding of their faith, helping them create a clearer picture of what being a Christian really means, which Murray believes—and research shows—is desperately needed. Another Barna study found:

  • More than 60% of Americans can’t name either the four Gospels of the New Testament or half of the Ten Commandments.
  • Many professing Christians don’t believe that Satan or the Holy Spirit actually exist.
  • Roughly one-third of those polled believe that a good person can earn their salvation.

With clarity and accessibility for all levels of believers, Real Faith is Christianity 101 for students of all ages.

Born and educated in the UK, author John Murray studied at the Birmingham Bible Institute and Central Baptist Seminary in Toronto, Canada. He worked for Christianity Today in London and served as Associate Editor at The Evangelical Christian magazine. Murray also spent more than 20 years as the Executive Director of Eurovangelism Canada, a mission working in Eastern Europe. Real Faith is Murray’s second book.

To learn more about author John Murray visit To receive a review copy of Real Faith or to connect with the author please contact publicist Alison Storm by email at [email protected].


Renew Your Space & Spirit in 20 Days with a Total Home Makeover

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Total Home MakeoverAuthor and Home Management Expert Renee Metzler coaches Readers Through Transformation

For immediate release:  Get a Total Home Makeover in just 20 days with the help of home management expert Renee Metzler. Renee’s new book Total Home Makeover: A 20-Day Plan to Renew Your Space and Spirit (Ambassador International; August 2012; $11.99, paperback) includes daily coaching sessions, to-do lists, prayers and scripture. In Total Home Makeover, she will help you:

  • Renew your spirit by building intimacy with a God who shows up, hears, cares and speaks.
  • Break into pro-active home management by establishing smart daily and weekly routines that keep your home running smoothly.
  • Coach your family to get involved with home keeping and chores and give them the gift of responsible living.
  • Organize each room to fit your family’s lifestyle and renew your space.

Renee gave up a full-time career to become a full-time mom and home manager ten years ago. But she quickly realized she had never learned the skills necessary to do this job well. “I felt completely lost with the 24 hours of unstructured time,” explains Renee. “So I started to research smarter ways to manage a home. This book is a quick-start manual that will help any home manager do their job with excellence, taking life from chaos to order.” Total Home Makeover also includes handy worksheets like a meal planner, chore chart and room planner.

Renee Metzler is a freelance author and speaker who helps women to live in balance, purpose and victory. As founder of Renee’s Joy Journey, found at, Renee blogs weekly to help women break free into their destiny.

For interview requests please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected]. You can also learn more at


Celebrate Forgiveness Day: Who Do You Need to Forgive?

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Forgiveness is not an optionAugust 5 is International Forgiveness Day and August 27 is Global Forgiveness Day. In response to these two holidays we asked Anna McCarthy, author of Forgiveness is Not an Option, to share her thoughts on forgiving in difficult situations.

It’s true with all of us. We hear the word “forgive” and we immediately think of that paramount event in our life that left us crumbled. Where either our heart was shattered, trust was broken or another seemingly unforgiveable act took place. As true as it is that these events do require our hearts to move towards forgiveness, how often do we stop there?

I fear that it isn’t always the tragedies in our life that lead our hearts into bitterness, but often the less noticeable offenses. The ones we are quick to brush aside because it doesn’t seem like “that big of a deal”.  Areas where our pride steps in and readily moves past the offense not wanting to admit we were actually hurt. You see, forgiveness isn’t always wrapped up in a tragedy. The kind of forgiveness that Jesus teaches in scripture is daily…repetitive even. We learn of this kind of forgiveness through Peter’s questioning of Jesus on the subject, “Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, ‘Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?’ Jesus answered, ‘I tell you, not seven times, but seventy-seven times.’”. (Matthew 18:20-22) Right here we see that this was an offense that had the opportunity to occur often…even with the same person!

Avoid Bitterness

When someone hurts or offends you on a small level, the first act of forgiveness can come somewhat easily. It is the second, third and fourth time where we start thinking that we either should just toughen up and not let it get to us, or just swallow it and move on because obviously their behavior isn’t going to change. This is where I believe many of us unknowingly open a crevice in our hearts to bitterness. It’s quiet at first, not obvious on the surface and yet over time can lead to one very hardened heart.

Admit to the Hurt

So, what do we do in these moments of mundane offenses? First, we must validate that we are hurt. We can’t begin to forgive someone that we are unwilling to admit hurt us! In that moment when someone’s words or actions sting, stop yourself and internally admit that you are offended. Quietly tell the Lord that you are hurt and why. Then, make the choice to forgive. Tell the Lord that you forgive them. And, what if even after this prayer you still feel angry or bothered? Pray for them. Our hearts are hardwired to soften towards those whom we choose to genuinely pray for. I believe this is one of the reasons Jesus teaches us in scripture to pray for our enemies.

Forgive Daily

This daily act of forgiveness may seem somewhat insignificant, yet this is much more powerful than we often realize. These small acts of forgiveness protect our hearts, keeping them tender, soft and open.

Whether your life has been met with tragedy or not, I encourage you to look past the glaring offenses in your life and dig a little deeper into the smaller ones. Then ask yourself the question, “Who do I need to forgive?”


Ambassador Authors in the Media

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Times ExaminerSeveral Ambassador International authors have enjoyed sharing their stories and expertise recently with a variety of media outlets around the country. Here is a rundown of where you can check out these interviews:

Jim Geyer, author of Dad and Mom’s Country Wisdom: Everything I Know about the Bible I Learned on the Farm was featured in a front page article of The Times Examiner on Wednesday, July 25.

Stephen Goode, author of Marriage Triage: A Guide to Healing for the Hurting Spouse, was interviewed on WRHI’s program Palmetto Mornings on Wednesday, August 1. Listen to his interview on marriage, Chick-fil-A and recent Hollywood break-ups. Marriage Triage was also featured on Charlotte Area News.

Renee Metzler, author of Total Home Makeover: A 20-Day Plan to Renew Your Space and Spirit, was interviewed for the website The article features Renee’s tips in time for National Simplify Your Life Week.

Devotional Wherein the Lilies Grow by Jo Crosby received a great review from By the Book.

Bob and Kathy Basmadjian, authors of Abraham’s Journey: A Celebration of the American Dream, were interviewed on July 23 by Pastor Rick Tocquigny on his program Life Lessons Radio.

Dick and Pat Geyer, authors of Chaplains of the Bible, were interviewed by several radio outlets including for an upcoming broadcast of Wayne Shepherd’s First Person program.

Celebrate National Simplify Your Life Week with Help from Ambassador Authors

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Total Home MakeoverThe first week in August is National Simplify Your Life Week. What better way to celebrate than by clearing the clutter from some area of your life– whether it be your closets or your finances. Two new books from Ambassador International are designed to help you simplify your life.

Declutter Now!: Uncover the Hidden Joy and Freedom in Your Life by Lindon and Sherry Gareis: Negative clutter can invade every area of your life—not just your closets. Relationships, finances, kids, jobs, health and spiritual well-being are all adversely impacted by the unnecessary and harmful stuff we accumulate and hold onto. That could be physical junk or emotional baggage. Declutter Now! will help the reader let go of those negative influences that impact our quality of life and our relationship with God. Since decluttering removes what you don’t need and gives you more of what you do, it only makes sense your spiritual journey will benefit too.

Total Home Makeover: A 20-Day Plan to Renew Your Space and Spirit by Renee Metzler: Transform your home with daily and weekly routines, family training, and room-by-room organization. Renee Metzler gave up a full-time career to become a full-time mom and home manager ten years ago. But she quickly realized she had never learned the skills necessary to do this job well. This book is a quick-start manual that will help any home manager do their job with excellence, taking your life from chaos to order. Each day includes prayer, a ten-minute coaching session from Renee and daily to-do list to help you turn your home into a haven.

As a special offer for National Simplify Your Life Week, anyone who orders a copy of Total Home Makeover or Declutter Now! by August 15 will receive a FREE digital copy of the book from iTunes. Simply email your receipt to [email protected] to take advantage of this offer. To help you jump start your plan, authors Sherry and Renee are answering questions about simplifying life:

1. How have you personally tried to simplify your life recently?delcutter now

Sherry: Interestingly, Declutter Now! is largely responsible for our most recent wave of simplification. Writing a book, and all the elements associated with it, has demanded that we say ‘no’ to some events or commitments that we would have otherwise said yes to. We’ve simplified our schedule to make room for the priorities. Not always easy, or fun, but necessary!

Renee: I have focused on three areas: food, fashion and storage. In terms of food, my husband grows a beautiful kitchen garden each year.  I’m trying to use fresh vegetables daily to create simple and healthy meals. For fashion, I made a New Year’s Resolution to NOT buy any new clothes this year in an effort to avoid a cluttered closet and save money for my children’s Christian school education.  Storage-wise, my chaotic confession is the little red barn at the edge of our property.  It’s adorable from the outside and hideously disorganized from the inside.  It’s my summer organizational project.  To keep me motivated, I’ve planned an End-of-Summer Party for close friends and family.  This dinner party will be hosted in … the little red barn.  Talk about motivation!

2. Why should simplifying our lives be our goal?

Sherry: In Declutter Now! we talk about how ‘less can be more’, and this is much ‘more’ than just a cliché’. Our lives get cluttered with material stuff, unhealthy relationships, draining careers, poor health habits, financial burdens, and the like, leaving little room for the things that matter most. It just makes sense to simplify in order to have the time, money, and energy for the true desires of your heart.

Renee: Simplifying is about making room for what’s really important. We only have a short-time here on earth. We must choose to live for eternity (the spiritual kingdom), not the here-and-now (this physical kingdom). It’s about saying, “No.”  We can choose to turn from the clutter of this world:  material possessions, television, Facebook, chasing after worldly success, money, and status. It’s about saying, “Yes.” We can choose to invest more in the things that are eternal, that will go on living after this physical world passes away.  Things like a relationship with Christ Jesus, speaking words of encouragement and hope to our spouse, playing with and training our children.

3. How can your book help people simplify their lives?

Sherry: We address how to declutter eight different areas of your life by providing practical tips, life application strategies, and engaging stories. We help people gain an awareness of areas that should be decluttered and then encourage them to take action and make it happen! It’s our Declutter & GO! concept!

Renee: Total Home Makeover is a 20 Day Plan to Renew your Space and Spirit.  Each day, you will (1) renew your spirit by seeking the living God through {Prayer, Bible Reading and Journaling}, (2) renew your space in our daily couching session {called Let’s Chat} where you’ll learn one secret to managing your home more efficiently, and (3) apply what you just learned by completing the daily to-do list {called Get Moving}.  Partner up, earn rewards, use worksheets, learn a smarter way to manage your home, and laugh at my stories as you journey from chaos to order for a Total Home Makeover.

Feeling inspired by Renee and Sherry to simplify life? Don’t forget about our special offer just for National Simplify Your Life Week. From now until August 15 anyone who orders Declutter Now! or Total Home Makeover can forward their receipt to [email protected] to receive a FREE digital copy from iTunes as well.


Mississippi Nights Featured in Mississippi Magazine’s “Best of Mississippi 2012” Issue

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mississippi mag july aug 12The July/August issue of Mississippi Magazine features their compilation of the “best of Mississippi 2012.” And we’re excited to see Ambassador International fiction Mississippi Nights included in the issue. Mississippi Nights is the first of six books featured in the Heritage and Culture section of the magazine.

Mississippi Nights is the story of two brothers and one death. When Firefighter David Boyette’s fiancee dies in a car fire, he blames his brother, Sgt. Jeremy Boyette, for her death. Three years later, David returns home with a dark and devastating secret. With the help of family, a woman’s love, and a small child’s devotion, can David overcome insurmountable odds as he and Jeremy face the bitterness that enslaves him? Together the brothers must decide if the bond of brotherhood is stronger than resentment and hate.

Author DM Webb is a Mississippi native and she is passionate about her home state. She also drew from her experience as a volunteer rescue worker to write with conviction and accuracy. So if you’re looking for one of the best Mississippi authors, check out DM Webb’s Mississippi Nights.

Author Beth Marshall Spotlights Fallen Soldiers

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american widow projectBeth Marshall is a grief counselor and the author of A Time To Heal: A Grief Journal. Recently Beth had the opportunity to interview Taryn Davis, founder of The American Widow Project, a growing group of around 1300 young military widows. The average age of a service member killed is 26, creating a very young generation of military widows.

When Taryn was 21 years old her beloved husband, Michael was bravely serving our country in Baghdad, Iraq. Just 90 minutes after talking to her husband he was killed by a roadside bomb. In the wake of Michael’s death, Taryn didn’t know what to do with the unpredictable waves of sorrow she was feeling. She set out to find and talk with other young women who knew what it was like to be a young military widow. The American Widow Project has fulfilled a desperate need for these young widows. “By understanding how finite life is you can actually live a more fulfilling life,” says Taryn.

In honor of the Fourth of July holiday, we encourage you to listen to Beth’s moving interview with Taryn Davis. Beth’s book is a wonderful resource for anyone who has lost a loved one.

New Guidebook Equips Disaster Responders

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Chaplains of the BibleAuthors Hope to Prepare Chaplains and Volunteers for Crises

For immediate release: Record-breaking hurricanes, tornadoes, floods, earthquakes, wildfires, mass shootings and more are becoming the new normal for our world. As an unprecedented number of people experience physical, spiritual and economic disaster, faith-based organizations are equipping an ever-growing army of chaplains and volunteers to meet the expansive needs of hurting people. Chaplains of the Bible: Inspiration for Those Who Help Others in Crisis (Ambassador International; May 2012; $12.99, paperback) is a new guidebook for those who want to be better prepared to serve the distressed.

Chaplains of the Bible teaches lessons in serving the hurting through leaders and prophets in the Bible including Moses, Nehemia, Elisha, Elijah and, of course, Jesus. “We may not think of these men as chaplains,” says author Richard Geyer, “but their experiences serving people in distress offer much in the way of biblical wisdom to guide us.” Chaplains of the Bible also includes a free bible study guide which makes it a great resource for churches and organizations working to prepare and equip chaplains and volunteers.

From Hurricane Katrina to the earthquake in Haiti, husband and wife authors Richard and Patricia Geyer have responded to dozens of disasters. But the Geyers know we don’t have to live in a hurricane zone or floodplain to encounter personal tragedies. “A friend who lost their job, a next door neighbor whose teen commits suicide or a loved-one diagnosed with cancer all need to experience the love of Christ,” says Patricia. “I believe Chaplains of the Bible can help prepare Christians to serve others in their hour of greatest need, wherever and whenever that may be.”

Patricia and Richard Geyer are senior chaplains ordained by the International Fellowship of Chaplains (IFOC). Patricia is also certified by the IFOC as a trainer and has received the Certificate of Specialized Training in Spiritual Care in Crisis Intervention and the Certificate of Specialized Training in Emergency Services from the International Critical Incident Stress Foundation (ICISF). Richard devotes his chaplain services to veterans. Dick and Pat have four children, seven grandchildren and three rescued cats.  They live on sixteen tranquil acres in Maryland.