Joy Without Measure by Noel Davidson

Joy Without Measure: Marie McCarroll – Missionary to Three Continents

by Noel Davidson

Genres: Biography, Christian Living, Inspirational

ISBN: 9781620201923

232 pages

Price: $12.99

“The greatest joy in all the world is knowing God, and the greatest thrill in life is serving Him.”
This is the declaration Marie McCarroll makes at some stage when invited to recount her colourful life story.
It was on her eleventh birthday that she first experienced the joy of knowing God in her life. From then until now she has been learning more about Him, and every lesson brings a fresh surge of excitement. Whether reading His Word or praying to find His will, the process of knowing God has been, for Marie, an inspiring experience.
A deep love for God led to a strong desire to serve Him. From freezing winters in Canada, to scorching summers in Rhodesia, from summer camps in South Africa to night work on the streets of London, wherever this intrepid missionary went, God was always a step ahead of her, preparing the way, providing for her every need in often miraculous ways.
Marie has the ability to tell it like it is, a warm hospitable nature, and a deep sense of the presence of God that surrounds her.
Her story is a God-exalting, thought-provoking, and often thoroughly entertaining read.


Dr. Noel Davidson is a retired headmaster who has been writing Christian biographies for more than twenty years. Over that period he has developed his own distinctive style which has been described as ‘a unique blend of authority and simplicity.’ Joy Without Measure is his thirtieth book.