Roses and Honeysuckle: Finding God in the Midst of an Ordinary Life

by Bonica Brown

Genres: Christian Living

ISBN: 9781649606266

140 pages

Price: $17.99

Life can pull at us from all different directions—laundry is calling; the kids spilled the milk again; the husband needs you to pick him up from the office.
We moms can get so drained as we strive to juggle all the things that sometimes, we forget to stop and rest in the gift of roses and honeysuckle that God has sent to us in our own backyard.
Take some deep breaths with Bonica Brown, who has found what her soul has been thirsting for in God’s Word and in the gift of His roses and honeysuckle. With examples of her own imperfect life, Bonica points the reader to Scripture to find beauty in the mess of kissing boo-boos, cleaning up a sick child, and trying to look like a family who has it altogether for Sunday morning church.
If you have ever needed a friend to walk through the ups and downs of motherhood with you, Bonica is waiting for you to introduce you to her very Best Friend, Jesus Christ, through Roses and Honeysuckle: Finding God in the Midst of Ordinary Life.


Bonica Brown is a wife, mother, writer, artist, photographer, graphic designer, and children’s pastor. She met her husband of thirteen years in college where she graduated with an art degree from Northeastern State University in Tahlequah, Oklahoma. She and her husband are the associate pastors at their church, First Pentecostal Church of God in Fort Gibson, Oklahoma. They have been involved in youth and children’s ministry at their church for over twelve years. Currently, she lives in Muskogee, Oklahoma with her husband and four children, fourteen chickens, three dogs, two cats, a guinea pig, and several fish. She is a city girl who fell in love with the country life. Learning to grow a garden, make sourdough bread, can pickles, and homeschool her children has become the best parts of her life. Living in simplicity and thankfulness are her goals for the future.