Summer Fiction Blast Ebook Sale!

Are you looking for some new reading material to take on vacation with you this summer? Why not travel with Ambassador International?! Listed below are the Christian fiction books that…

The Easter Donkey

…a book-she’s a real donkey living on an Upstate raspberry farm with a family that loves her just the way she is. Along with her farm pals from the 2011…

10 Little Disciples

Learn to count and give Christ-like service while following ten little disciples on their journey to see Jesus. Ten Little Disciples is an engaging, rhyming picture book for children that…


…manuscript? Our chief editor Brenda Covert has some great advice. Learn more about Ambassador International and what you can expect when you become an Ambassador author. Digital books are playing…

God Made You, My Darling Girl

…of books out there that celebrated His beautiful intent for each one of us. Wanting something that would show her daughter she was “fearfully and wonderfully made,” Detweiler developed a…