44 Ways to Promote Your eBook

…accepting books primarily with ROMANCE genre and its sub-genres, or books that have a “touch of romance.”   2. SweetFreeBooks.com Submission Type: Free or discounted ebooks Cost: $5 Notes: Must…

Five Things About Authors Lindon and Sherry Gareis

Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Authors Lindon and Sherry Gareis wrote the recently released book, Declutter Now!: Uncovering the Hidden Joy and Freedom…

Six Christian Authors on Goodreads

…Readers also get the chance to connect with some of their favorite authors. Wondering who to follow? Here are six amazing Ambassador International authors on Goodreads.com:   Art Adkins Art…

How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Book

Pinterest is a very popular social media site and is a great stage for authors to present their platforms. However, when you are marketing your books, you need to keep…

June: Ambassador Authors in the News

Summer is a great time to relax with a good book and our Ambassador authors have been busy promoting theirs. Here are some of the media outlets featuring our authors

Publishing FAQs | Endorsements: The 6 Ws

Frequently asked questions. Every industry has them and publishing is no different. Ambassador International has the pleasure of working with many new and upcoming authors as well as already-established authors