The Easter Donkey

…a book-she’s a real donkey living on an Upstate raspberry farm with a family that loves her just the way she is. Along with her farm pals from the 2011…

5 Tips for Daily Living as a Christian

…(For His Name’s Sake). Struggling with changing the way you think and thinking more positively? (Change the Way You Think: Winning the Everyday Battles of the Mind) Struggling with being…

How Do We Define Love?

…she struggles to find her way back home, her past quickly begins to creep back. The gang she thought she had left behind was never that far away, and the

$1.99 SALE: One Day Only!

…and speak about same-sex attraction in a way that is both biblical and beneficial. We must reject our fears and misunderstandings and see ourselves together in need of the grace…

A Pillow on the Highway: Finding Rest

…Table in the Presence; Naples, Italy A Pillow on the Highway is a strong message about how we have lost our way. The picture is the story of our lives….

Seeing From A Sycamore

They saw his life of luxury while they struggled to meet basic needs and they despised him for it. But now, in this small way, the tables had turned. There…