New Book Challenges Christians to Live Uncareful Lives
For immediate release: Whether you realize it or not, you’ve been called to be a go-with-Jesus disciple. Your life has an intricate and extraordianry plan, and the only thing standing in the way is you. Jim Albright’s Uncareful Lives: Walking Where Feet May Fail (Ambassador International; July 2015; $12.99, paperback) is a rallying cry for Christians to boldly step out in their faith to live “uncarefully” for the Lord.
In Uncareful Lives, author Jim Albright exhorts Christians to step out of their comfort zones in obedience to Jesus Christ. After spending two decades in corporate business as a CPA, Albright answered God’s call to preach. “Sadly, unlike what we see on the pages of Scripture, many who call themselves Christians today forgo nothing, venture nothing, risk nothing, and sacrifice nothing,” writes Albright.
Uncareful Lives is a contemporary walkthrough of some of the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Albright begins with a description of who God is and works from this truth to encourage readers to live boldly in their faith. He uses the story of Peter walking on water to meet Jesus as a metaphor for our own need to meet Jesus despite the ever-present obstacles. Riddled with Scripture and quotes from some of Christianity’s most influential writers, Albright’s book can be a first step out onto the water of a radical life of truly walking with Christ.
Albright warns that the uncareful life is not necessarily a comfortable life or an easy one, though it is by far the most thrilling. He cautions the Christian who follows God’s call that we may have to make hard, costly, and risky decisions, but, because our God is God, we can trust His sovereignty in the uncareful-ness. “I wrote this book with the specific intent of lovingly destroying your present way of life if you call yourself a Christian but have not truly given yourself away to Jesus Christ.” Uncareful Lives emphatically reminds readers to perform “exploits of faith” for the glory of God.
About the Author: At the age of 42, Jim left a 20-year business career to answer God’s call to preach. Since early 2004, he and his wife, Karen, have lived in Milan, Italy, where Jim is the pastor of the International Church of Milan, a non-denominational, Bible-believing, and Bible-teaching church ministering to internationals from every corner of the globe.