99¢ Sale: One Day Only!

…that chased her following her father’s untimely and agonizing death, this young accountant-turned-adventurer trekked to remote mountain villages and through city streets smelling of human excrement: all in search of…

Vigilante’s Light | The Vindicators, Book 1

…JT Crime Dramas “Armed with conviction and cool equipment, an average man becomes a superhero to save his endangered community. Light-hearted action and faith-filled drama create an exciting debut!” —D.A….

99¢ SALE: One Day Only!

…and her new book, just 99¢ today, tells the equally touching story of James, a man seeking to overcome past regrets and reconnect with a daughter he’s never known. After…

The First Circle of Monday Egg

When Monday Egg visits the Eggs of Thorn Dome, he discovers they are in grave danger. The pain-inducing thorns that protect the Eggs have attracted a desperate man, who is…