September is National Literacy Month!

…in another world – without the garbage! Searching for books for homeschooling, additional education, or just books that make any reader LOVE reading again? We have books for every age…

How to Use Pinterest to Promote Your Book

Pinterest is a very popular social media site and is a great stage for authors to present their platforms. However, when you are marketing your books, you need to keep…

Why Did You Choose Me?

…be prepared with an answer that helps their child feel loved and secure. After searching for adoption storybooks to read to her own adopted children, Katie Cruice Smith decided that…

Score Free eBooks for Your eReader

…of resources for scoring free ebooks for your device! Did you know that research shows people who read digital books consume an average of 24 books a year while those…

For the Dads

Source: iStock These books are for the dads! We want to wish you a happy, happy Father’s Day! Read below to find a range of books to suit every dad….

Murder for the Time Being Won Finalist Award

…all over the world. Because of these large submission numbers, we are able to break down our contest into 140+ genres, and each genre is judged separately, ensuring that books