Unbelieving Husbands: The Neglected Harvest

…field of spiritually-indifferent men married to Christian women. While their wives have the greatest potential to reap this harvest, they may be new in the faith themselves, or unequipped with…

99¢ SALE: One Day Only!

For 24 hours we’re offering a brand new title for just 99¢! Pick up Larry Vaughn and Mentora Vaughn Gratrix’s new book Hollywood’s Chosen: An Insider Shares His Story for…


…calling me to a new level of intimacy with Him. Thank you, Billie. Bonnie Campbell Navy wife extraordinaire, quilter, encourager, twenty year breast cancer survivor, co-founder of Y-ME, National Capitol…

Her Sanctuary, His Heart

Five years ago, Braelyn Kane’s daughter died. Her marriage imploded, and Forest Hill became Braelyn’s sanctuary. She’s praying for her new life to start, but she doesn’t know where to…