Archive for the ‘Author News’ Category

National Wisconsin Day

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National Wisconsin Day on February 15th celebrates Wisconsin becoming the thirtieth state. In honor of this day, we’re celebrating some of our authors from Wisconsin!

Judy DuCharme

Judy DucharmeJudy DuCharme grew up with Lake Huron next to her back yard and has always loved the water. She, her husband, daughter and son have lived in Door County, a peninsula that juts into Lake Michigan in Northeast Wisconsin, since 1984. After teaching fifth grade for twenty-two years, Judy followed the calling that tugged at her all her life to write. Who Will Rescue Us?: A Love Story is her tenth published book, and she is the recipient of numerous awards. If you visit Door County, you may find her hiking in the woods, jet skiing on the bay, worshipping at her church, teaching a Bible study, cheering for the Green Bay Packers, playing with her grandson, or sitting outside enjoying the beauty around her.

Judy is the author of Lainey of the Door Islands, Addy of the Door Islands, Blood Moon Redemption, I Want a Water Buffalo for Christmas, and Who Will Rescue Us? A Love Story.

Chris Loehmer Kincaid

Chris Loehmer Kincaid, author of Where the Sky Meets the SandChris Loehmer Kincaid has worked full-time in the medical field for nearly thirty years. She also mentors a local Kinship kid, mentors her church’s college students, sponsors a Compassion child in Kenya, and remains active in the state society for her career in medical assisting. She and her daughter recently founded a nonprofit organization, Tumaini Volunteers, to provide sustainability to poverty-stricken communities. She lives in northern Wisconsin with her husband, four cats, and one dog.

Chris is the author of Where the Sky Meets the Sand.

Margaret Ann Philbrick

Margaret Philbrick, author of House of Honor, historical fictionMargaret Ann Philbrick is an author and contributing editor of Everbloom: Stories of Deeply Rooted and Transformed Lives, a collection of essays and poetry for women. Her poems and articles have been featured in numerous anthologies and publications, including Christianity Today, Relevant, The Redbud Hyphen, and Patheos. Her Christmas book, Back to the Manger, created in collaboration with her mother, has become a holiday classic. A Minor: A Novel of Love, Music, and Memory is her first novel and has received critical praise from Kirkus Reviews: “An emotional story . . . clear prose . . . delicately constructed . . . nuanced characters . . . breaks the mold.” Margaret is a founding member of the Redbud Writers Guild NFP and a member of the Door County Published Author Collective.

Margaret is the author of House of Honor: The Heist of Caravaggio’s Nativity.

National Iowa Day

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February 8th has been recognized as National Iowa Day since its inception in 2017. We’re using the day to highlight some of our authors from Iowa!


Daphne Self

Daphne SelfDaphne Self, formerly published under the name D.M. Webb, resides in Iowa. As a Mississippian transplant, she spends her days in the Midwest state writing, editing, reading, antiquing, and planning adventures. She pursues her dream as an editor and author with one goal in mind: To Glorify His Name. Daphne is also an avid reader who devours books in many genres. As a long time member of ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers), she volunteers her time helping published and unpublished authors.

Daphne has authored the children’s book The Case of the Missing Firehouse Dog; the contemporary romance series Southern Sagas; the nonfiction Bible study 30 Days: A Devotional Memoir; and the science fiction series Legends of Light.

Andrea Rodgers

Andrea Rodgers, author of The 20th ChristmasAndrea Rodgers knew from a young age that she wanted to be a novelist. Her passion never wavered, even when she put creative writing on hold for “a real job.” Andrea majored in journalism and mass communication at Iowa State University and worked at a Christian music station prior to being a stay-at-home-mom. She’s thrilled to be doing what she feels is her purpose in life. Andrea resides near Des Moines with her husband and two children.

Andrea is the author of two contemporary novels, The 20th Christmas and Caged Dove.

Debbie Gilliland

Debbie Gilliland, author of Christian fictionDebbie Gilliland grew up in rural southwest Iowa in a small town that she still calls home. She recently retired from twenty-eight years of working at her county’s public health office. While she is waiting for her husband to retire, she is enjoying many hours of unstructured time for writing. Her high school dream of publishing a book someday was realized when “To Comfort a King” was released in 2014. When she is not writing, she enjoys supporting her grandchildren at their academic and athletic events. If none of those are scheduled, she and her husband might just sneak off on their Gold Wing for a ride around Iowa’s beautiful landscape.

Debbie is the author of historical fiction To Comfort a King, and contemporary novels Mine to Love and Mine to Share.

Steven Sellers

Steven Sellers, author of The Sobering Truth: One Man's Journey From Failure to FaithSteven V. Sellers is embracing recovery as a sought after speaker, writer, mentor and recovery group facilitator. Steven and his wife, Trisha, live in Marion, Iowa, and operate Ship Recovery, whose mission is to help others navigate the difficult waters of addiction. They have six children and three granddaughters.

Steven is the author of The Sobering Truth: One Man’s Journey from Failure to Faith.

Karen L. Straszheim

Karen L. Straszheim, author of A Sanctuary in Our Midst: Christmas Reflections on JesusKaren L. Straszheim is a wife, mother, and missionary to the Czech Republic. She has been a Christian for 42 years, and studied Bible and Theology at Western Conservative Baptist Seminary in Portland, Oregon. She lives in Story City, Iowa, with her husband of 10 years and attends Stavanger Free Lutheran Church in Garden City, Iowa. Karen enjoys helping others understand the Bible, composing music for the church, quilting, and gardening.

Karen is the author of A Sanctuary in Our Midst: Christmas Reflections on Jesus.

National Texas Day

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On February 1st, National Texas Day recognizes the Lone Star State along with its fierce record of independent people and history, including these Ambassador International authors from Texas!


Jim Mann

Dr. Jim Mann, author of "A New Normal: A Journey from Loss to Joy"Dr. Jim Mann is the founding and Lead Pastor of New Life Church in Denton, Texas—the town he grew up in. He holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and serves as Adjunct Professor of New Testament for Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary. He and his wife, Christine, have two teenage children. Christine Mann wrote the study questions for this journal and serves as the Women’s Minister for New Life Church.
Jim is the author of adult nonfiction A New Normal: A Journey From Loss to Joy


Terry Overton

Terry Overton, author of middle grade Christian fictionTerry Overton obtained her Ph.D. in Psychology and her Ed.D. in special education. She taught in public schools and was a school psychologist and a professor before retiring in 2016. Her university experiences included teaching at Longwood University in Virginia, the University of Texas-Brownsville, The University of Texas-Pan American, University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, and Stephen F. Austin State University. She held positions as Dean and Department Chair during her tenure in higher education. Her areas of research included behavior disorders, learning disorders, autism, and research in higher education. She currently resides in Laguna Vista, Texas. She enjoys Biblical history and general Bible studies, writing, blogging, and playing golf.
Terry is a prolific author and has authored Both Sides of the Border, an adult contemporary fiction; the Sabal Palms series, an adult contemporary series, the Newton Chronicles series, a contemporary fantasy series for middle grade; and The Oddball Ornaments series, a contemporary middle grade Christmas series.


Allen Steadham

Allen Steadham, author of Christian fantasy and sci-fiAllen Steadham created comic books and webcomics before he started writing novels. He has been married to his wife, Angel, since 1995 and they have two sons and a daughter. When not writing stories or drawing comics, Allen and his wife are singers, songwriters, and musicians. They have been in a Christian band together since 1997. They live in Central Texas.
Allen is the author of Christian fantasy and contemporary novels. He has authored Mindfire; the Jordan of Algoran series; Into the Unknown: Seven Short Stories of Faith and Bravery; Christmas Miracles: Six Short Stories of God’s Faithfulness in Any Time, Space, or Realm; and The Former Things.


Cynthia Conner Goyang

Cynthia Conner Goyang, author of Just One TouchCynthia Goyang is a Christian wife and mother. She and her husband Tony have three adult sons and now enjoy spending time with their three granddaughters. Cynthia was born and raised in Denver, Colorado. She grew up in a large household with her parents and ten siblings, of which she is the second to youngest. She met her husband while at school in Oklahoma and now resides in the West Texas town of Midland. She is an avid reader and loves to use her pencil to illustrate the Lord’s principles. Biblical fiction Just One Touch is her debut novel.


Marcy Lytle

Marcy Lytle, author of Life is Fluid: A Women's Study from the Book of EcclesiastesMarcy Lytle is currently editor of two local magazines in the Austin, Texas area, and Life is Fluid is her second book. She is married to Jon, and they have two children, Kamrin (who is married to Tyler) and Conner.


Mary E. Sandford

Mary Sandford, author of UnwantedMary E. Sandford has published more than fifty stories in Sunday School papers, numerous magazines, and two CHICKEN SOUP books. Some of her work has earned SCBWI awards. She has served on the board of the Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators in Illinois. She attends workshops and conferences in Illinois, Iowa, Tennessee, California and now where she lives in North Texas. Mary also has been a speaker and story teller for AWANA and other programs for children. For five years Mary directed a puppet ministry which included writing puppet performances and public speaking. In Illinois, she was President of Word Weavers West Suburbs in the Chicago area and is currently starting a new Word Weavers group in Texas. Mary’s goal as a writer is to live and work for Jesus Christ so more children will know Him and want to serve Him with their lives.
Mary is the author of Unwanted, a historical middle grade fiction.


D. K. Doulos

D.K. Doulos, author of dystopian YA fiction WoE is UsD. K. Doulos has written stories most of his life and is thankful he can use his talent in service to God. When he’s not writing, he enjoys going camping, impersonating a grill master, and watching college football. Between epic cross-country family road trips, he’s blessed to live in Texas with his wife and four children.

D.K. is the author of Christian dystopian young adult fiction WoE is Us.

National Florida Day

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National Florida Day is celebrated on January 25th every year. Here at Ambassador International, we’re using this day to celebrate our Floridian authors!


S.A. Jewell

S.A. Jewell, author of Christian fictionS.A. Jewell is the author of biblical fictions Solomon’s Concubine and Of Friends and Followers;  Blink, a fictional “end-times” novel; as well as the author of two children’s fictional books, A Christmas Dinosaur and Visit from a Shepherd Boy. She holds a master’s degree in Bible studies from South Florida Bible College and Theological Seminary. She is founder of, a non-denominational Christian ministry assisting ministries in Africa and in Florida.


Barbara Taylor Sanders

Barbara Taylor Sanders, author of Bloodline SecretsAuthor Barbara Taylor Sanders, B.A., is also an advocate and an award-winning artist. As a member of the National League of American Pen Women, she is actively involved with professional writers, artists and musicians in SW Florida. For decades, she’s been a tireless advocate for the poor and disadvantaged, especially single mothers struggling to better their lives. Her lifelong passion is to share the love of Christ Jesus through book publications and creative evangelical outreach to the lost and forsaken of the world.

Barbara is the author of contemporary suspense Bloodline Secrets and historical suspense The Bloodstone Ring.


Derrick West

Derrick West, author of The League of Pardoned RebelsDerrick is a minister, theological educator, and writer who resides in the smallest town with the best restaurants in the United States: Vero Beach, FL. He married his wife, Dawn, in 2003. Together, they have two children: Miller (13) and Darcie Samantha (12). He is an accomplished blues guitar player who also enjoys playing golf and letting his friends know just how good Clemson University is at football.

Derrick is the author of a concise but thorough expose of the original disciples, The League of Pardoned Rebels.


Vanna Nguyen

Vanna Nguyen, author of The Life She Once Knew: The Incredible True Story of Queena, The Bloomingdale Library Attack SurvivorAs a young child, Vanna Nguyen enjoyed a prestigious life in South Vietnam until the country’s fall to Communism in 1975. After risking her life for the dream of freedom, she fled to the United States where she became a citizen and raised her two daughters, Anna and Queena. Life was perfect until 18-year-old Queena was brutally attacked and raped while dropping books off at the local library. As a result of the attack, Vanna lost not only her once-thriving small business, but she also lost her beloved daughter as she knew her. Today, Vanna is a tireless advocate for Queena’s rehabilitation from traumatic brain injury sustained during the attack. Vanna manages the popular Join Queena website and official social media accounts. Vanna was compelled to write her memoir to share her journey as a refugee and as a mother whose daughter suffered a traumatic brain injury. Vanna hopes her story will inspire others and will imbue them with strength.

Vanna is the author of The Life She Once Knew: The Incredible True Story of Queena, The Bloomingdale Library Attack Survivor.


Tracy L. Smoak

Tracy Smoak, Author of Who Brought the Dog to Church?, contemporary fictionA native Floridian, Tracy L. Smoak grew up in Clermont riding horses and climbing citrus trees. Her passion is to encourage others in their faith journey. Smoak contributes to Guideposts. In addition to her debut novel with Ambassador International, Who Brought the Dog to Church?, Bold Vision published her Bible study about encouragement titled Refuge of Grace: Finding Your Safe Place.
She loves photography and authored three hardcover devotionals with her original pictures, including Treasures of the Wise: 30 Devotions for Storing Up Heavenly Riches (and Redemption Press: Living Water to Refresh Your Soul and Arranged with Love).
Smoak holds a master’s in Education and a bachelor’s in Communication. At her church home, she leads small-group Bible studies. She is an active member of Word Weavers International. Her website is Devotions with her photography set to music are available on YouTube at


Jim Brissey

Jim Brissey, author of Christian living booksJim and Jean Brissey are Senior Pastors of Higher Ground Ministries in DeLand, Fl. Jim earned his Bachelor of Biblical Studies through Omega Seminary. Jean is a graduate of Spirit Life School of Theology. Jim and Jean have been married for thirty-seven years. They are ordained through Revival Ministries International in Tampa, Fl. Jim and Jean have spearheaded hundreds of outreaches throughout the U.S. and abroad and have witnessed thousands give their heart to Jesus. They have a passion for revival, evangelistic outreach and training outreach ministers.

Jim is the author of two Christian living books, A Shepherd’s Heart  and Step 13: Overcoming Addiction and Joyless Religion.


Dan Manningham

Dan Manningham, author of I Can Stand on Mountains: A Book of Encouragement and ChallengeDan Manningham is a retired 747 Captain and award winning aviation author. In addition he has previously authored three Christian books. He has been married to Fran for fifty-seven years and they have seven children, thirty grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.
He is a certified Biblical counselor and has served in many church leadership positions and on the board of four mission organizations. He has served in Mali, West Africa, and in Afghanistan as a pilot with PACTEC.

Dan is the author of I Can Stand on Mountains, a book of encouragement and challenge.


Belinda Ford Kramer

Belinda Ford Kramer, author of Jesus and the Children of GalileeBelinda Kramer is a graduate of the University of Florida. She is an educator, journalist, author and speaker. She is also the mother of a daughter, Lauren, and son, Nathan. She resides in Brandon, Florida, with her husband Jack.

Belinda is the author of middle grade historical fiction Jesus and the Children of Galilee.



William D. Howard

William D. Howard, Author of American Crisis, a politics and religion bookWilliam [Bill] D. Howard began his journey as a world-traveler in 1970, and has since visited over forty countries studying their history and culture. Along the way, he earned degrees in philosophy and history and served as a social worker and teacher at the high school and college level. For over thirty years he taught advanced courses in history, philosophy, and world religions. Using this knowledge, and as a practicing Christian, he served as a guest commentator on both radio and television and published numerous essays defending the Judeo-Christian faith.

Bill is the author of newly-released American Crisis: The Collapse of Christian Culture, a look at the state of cultural crisis in America.

National Michigan Day

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Michigan was the twenty-sixth state to join the Union, and January 18 is National Michigan Day—a day to recognize the state affectionately known as the Great Lake State. Ambassador International has several authors who are from {and/or reside in} Michigan, so we’re using this day to recognize these authors!


Greta Picklesimer

Greta Picklesimer, author of historical Christian romanceGreta Picklesimer is Michigan born and raised by Kentucky-transplanted parents. She accepted Jesus as her Savior at the age of five—a happy day in her memory. Besides writing, Greta spends time working on her art journal, painting with watercolors and oil pastels. She is owned by one rescue cat by the name of Pearlie Blue who was named after her father’s favorite Bluegrass song. By day Greta works as an office assistant. By night, she writes.

Second Chance at Happiness by Greta Picklesimer, historical Christian romanceGreta is the author of the Love in the Kentucky Hills series. After Catherine Reed’s husband dies, she moves back home in order to accept a new position as the teacher for the town’s one-room schoolhouse. Samuel Harris has suffered his own loss and guilt has burdened him ever since. When his old flame comes back to town, he wonders if they can find healing together . . .


Dr. Deandre Collier

Dr. Deandre Collier, author of From Victim to Victor: Walking by Faith and Not by SightDr. Deandre Collier was born and raised in Detroit, Michigan. He is an ordained minister, certified Christian counselor, and certified chaplain. Dr. Collier earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology from Wayne State University, a master’s of divinity from Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, a master’s of pastoral ministry from Marygrove College, and a doctorate of ministry from Ecumenical Theological Seminary. He is a minister and spiritual leader at Pure Word Missionary Baptist Church in Detroit.

From Victim to Victor: Walking by Faith and Not by Sight by Dr. Deandre CollierDr. Collier’s spiritually-inspired memoir, From Victim to Victor, argues that, even during the worst of times, maintaining faith can ensure that our best days lie ahead. Victimization presents opportunity for victory, but with God all things are possible because He is the essence of faith. Further, Dr. Collier will demonstrate, through his shared experiences, the meaning of the phrase walking by faith, not by sight.


Brandon James Crawford

Brandon James Crawford, author of the Baptist ConfessionBrandon James Crawford is the senior pastor of Grace Baptist Church in Marshall, Michigan; the moderator of the Southern Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches; and a member of the Council of Sixteen in the Michigan Association of Regular Baptist Churches. Brandon has a Ph.D. in historical theology from Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. He has also written or contributed to a number of books on historical theology, including The Jonathan Edwards Encyclopedia (Eerdmans), Petrus van Mastricht (1630-1706): Text, Context, and Interpretation (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht), The Miscellanies Companion Volumes 1 and 2 (JE Society Press), and Jonathan Edwards on the Atonement (Wipf & Stock). He and his wife, Melanie, have two children.

The Baptist Confession of Faith and Catechism for Dispensational ChurchesIn the late 1600s, the Baptist Confession of Faith was first penned for the churches to have a document upon which they agreed for the principles of their faith. Over the centuries, this document has been revised and adapted as needed to help the reader understand its meaning. In this current edition, The Baptist Confession of Faith and Catechism for Dispensational Churches, Brandon stays true to the Elizabethan English while adapting some of the wording for the modern-day reader in an attempt to help believers share it in their homes, schools, businesses, and churches.


Bailey Lynn

Bailey Lynn, author of Unforeseen: Learning to Trust in God’s Plan When Life Takes Unexpected TurnsBailey grew up in a suburb outside of Detroit, Michigan, as the youngest of three kids. After high school, Bailey attended Xavier University in Cincinnati, Ohio, and completed a degree in Biology. She plans to continue with her education to eventually work as a physician assistant. When she’s not studying or writing, Bailey loves to spend time with family, train for and compete in triathlons, and play with her rescued Beagle named Beau.

Unforeseen by Bailey LynnBailey Lynn had her life perfectly planned. She thought she was on the path God had preordained for her. But when her life took an unexpected turn, Bailey was left to question God’s ability to dictate her life. In Unforeseen: Learning to Trust in God’s Plan When Life Takes Unexpected Turns, Bailey shares how she learned to trust God with a future she had never planned. As she battled whether God’s plans for her were truly as good as He had promised in His Word, Bailey began to see His ways were definitely not like hers—they were better.


Becky Lane

Becky Lane, author of Bee AttitudesBecky Lane is a gardener, teacher, and writer living in the Midwest of the United States. She enjoys the four seasons; spending time with God, family, and friends; and telling stories. Becky’s hobbies include running, photography, and learning! Garden boots, a cup of tea, and a paintbrush are some of her favorite things. She believes everyone has a purpose and stories to tell. You can connect with her through her website,

Bee Attitudes by Becky LaneIn her short devotional, Bee Attitudes: A Devotional for Families with Young Readers, Becky Lane uses God’s smallest creatures to teach big lessons that will stick with your child as they face their own failures and disappointments. No matter how hard Bennett Bee tries to succeed on his soccer team, he fails. In fact, his whole team seems to just lose one game after another. As his frustration continues to mount, Grandpa Bee decides it is time to step in and teach Bennett about the Bee Attitudes—that is, the lessons taught by a Man named Jesus in His Sermon on the Mount. Bee Attitudes is available after March 2025.




National Arkansas Day

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January is recognized as National Arkansas Day, and we’re using the day to highlight our authors from {or who reside in} in the Natural State.


Malanya M. Donaho

Malanya Donaho, author of Amazing GraceBorn in Bellflower, California, Malanya M. Donaho was six months old when her parents relocated to Arkansas. She was raised in a Christian home, accepted Jesus as her Savior when she was five, and was thirteen when writing found her. Upon graduating high school, Malanya entered the workforce, where at age twenty-one, she met the man God had created for her. A year later, they were married and now have two children: a daughter in Heaven and a son who has surrendered to be an evangelist. In addition to writing, Malanya loves singing, song writing, playing piano, playing video games, reading, storm spotting, and furthering her knowledge of American Sign Language. Malanya and her family attend Grace Baptist Church of Conway and live in Central Arkansas with her mother-in-law, their six dogs, three cats, and various goats and chickens, the number of which fluctuates on a regular basis.

Amazing Grace: A Novel by Malanya M. Donaho, contemporary Christian romanceMalanya is the author of contemporary romance, Amazing Grace: A Novel. When Dr. Sam Gray is sent to Africa as a volunteer physician, he is counting down the days until he can go home again. During a trip to the local school, he runs into the Cloverdales, a missionary family determined to win every soul in Africa to Christ. Try as he might, Dr. Sam can’t seem to resist the family and finds himself being pulled into their midst again and again. As he battles his own beliefs, Dr. Sam begins to find that maybe he’s in need of a Physician as well. Can anyone heal his hardened heart?


Terry Thompson

Terry Thompson, author of Daniel: Prophet at the King's CommandFollowing a rewarding twenty-four-year career as an Air Force pilot and commander, Terry was called into the pastorate of a large church in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Throughout his life, Terry has applied his writing talent to books, periodicals, proposals, promotional pieces, Bible studies, and college-level curricula. Terry is a prolific speaker and writer including a popular blog, Terry Thompson on America. He taught various business and communication courses online and in class for John Brown University for eleven years. He is an Elder of Crossgate Church in Hot Springs, Arkansas. Terry and his wife, Linda, have four children.

Daniel: Prophet at the King's Command by Terry ThompsonTerry is the author of a historical biblical fiction called Daniel: Prophet at the King’s Command. Daniel was just a teenager when he was taken captive by the Babylonians, never to see his family again. As Daniel and his friends strive to make the best of their circumstances—slaves in the king’s court—they also fight to honor their vows to the one true God amidst a people who worship only false gods. From slave to the highest position in the king’s court, Daniel shows how God can use an ordinary person to do extraordinary things.


Priscilla Peters

Priscilla Peters, author of Enough of Me: Winning the Tug-of-War Between Our Flesh and Our MissionPriscilla Peters is a graduate of Ouachita Baptist University with a B.A. in Mass Communications and a Minor in Speech Communication. She has been married to her husband Coby for 10 years, and they have a blended family of six children. Priscilla is the Vice President of Marketing for the largest advertising agency in the transportation industry, and she’s been in the marketing and advertising business for 20 years. She serves as the Assistant Leader for the Real Women Ministry at That.Church in Sherwood, Arkansas. She speaks often, both in her professional career at industry conferences and trade shows, and at women’s ministry speaking engagements.
When Priscilla isn’t at the office working, speaking at Real Women events, or blogging, she is busy cheering on her Arkansas Razorbacks, chaperoning her daughter at her competitive dance events, and laughing way too loud about pretty much anything and everything.

Enough of Me: Winning the Tug-of-War Between Our Flesh and Our Mission, an 8-Week Bible Study by Priscilla PetersPriscilla is the author of Enough of Me: Winning the Tug-of-War Between Our Flesh and Our Mission. Do you have a nagging in your heart for more purpose? Are you right smack dab in the middle of a tug-of-war between your flesh and your mission?
Often we want to live out the purpose and mission God has for us, but we’re too distracted, exhausted, and empty.
Enough of Me is an 8-week Bible study for women focused on what God’s Word has to say about the tug-of-war between our flesh and our mission. The study explores the barriers that stand between where we are today and where God wants to use us to finish His work.


Jake Tyson

Jake Tyson, author of the Vindicators series, a superhero fantasy seriesJake Tyson, a journalism graduate from Central Baptist College, has been writing creatively since he was nine years old and has been a fan of superheroes and Star Wars for as long as he can remember. He and his wife Jessica live in Conway, Arkansas. Jake works for Lifeword Media Ministry and as the youth pastor at Oak Park Baptist Church. He is the author of The Vindicators series. He has also written a flash fiction short story, Joining the Team, for, and a short story in Ambassador International’s science fiction anthology, Into the Unknown.

Vigilante's Light by Jake TysonIn Vigilante’s Light, book one of The Vindicators, after his rescue from guerillas in Venezuela, Gideon finds himself with super-abilities, result from genetic engineering during his capture. When he returns home, he finds his beloved city in shambles and torn apart by crime. The police are understaffed and most do not care about the poor side, The Brooks. Gideon becomes a vigilante to protect his city and uses his newfound abilities. But he learns that being a vigilante comes with a price.


C.J. Vegter

C.J. Vegter, author of Pausing with PurposeC.J. Vegter grew up as a missionary kid in Bogota, Colombia, and Quito, Ecuador. After college, she moved to Bangkok, Thailand, as a missionary for two years besides working various jobs and moving around from Florida to Missouri to North Carolina until she met her husband on a missionary kid retreat in Spain. They live in Centerton, Arkansas, with their two kids and are still involved in their local church and helping missionary kids when they can.

Pausing with Purpose: A Lenten Devotional by C.J. VegterDuring the Lenten season, we have the opportunity to stop and reflect on what Christ did for us thousands of years ago and what He has done for us over the past year. During a season of extreme health issues, C.J. Vegter wrote down inspirational quotes as she spent time with God asking for healing. Now healed from many of her illnesses, C.J. wants to give others the same hope she received during some of the darkest days of her life—and what better way than to help with meditations during the Lenten season. These forty-seven days of devotions will help you to navigate the Lenten season and reflect on the goodness of God in your own life.






Holiday parties and potlucks are just around the corner!

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Step up your game with Margaret Johnson’s tour of the festive, fun-filled season in Ireland. Together, these books offer over 150 recipes, photos, and menu plans. This colorful collection will become an essential addition to your holiday bookshelf.

Christmas Flavors of Ireland

CHRISTMAS FLAVORS OF IRELAND INVITES READERS — cooks and armchair travelers alike — on a holiday tour of one of Europe’s most beloved destinations. From decking the halls to gathering around the family table, you’ll find timeless classics and exciting new ideas in this full color collection of popular Irish dishes. With easy-to-follow recipes — warming soups and crisp potatoes, wonderful puddings and dazzling desserts — Christmas Flavors of Ireland will awaken your senses to the festive, fun-filled season in Ireland. With over 100 recipes and photos, this colorful collection will become an essential addition to your holiday bookshelf and a gift that family and friends will treasure year after year.

Festive Flavors of Ireland

Festive Flavors of Ireland invites readers—cooks and armchair travelers alike—on a holiday visit to one of Europe’s most beloved destinations. From decking the halls to gathering around the family table, you’ll find timeless classics and exciting new recipes in this full color collection of Irish Christmas dishes. With easy-to-follow recipes for tasty nibbles, warming soups, wonderful puddings, and dazzling desserts, Festive Flavors of Ireland will awaken your senses to the festive, delicious Christmas season that runs from Mairgead Mór (Big Fair Day) to Nollaig na mBan (Women’s Christmas). With more than seventy recipes and evocative photos, this colorful collection will become an essential addition to your holiday bookshelf and a gift that family and friends will treasure year after year. Nollaig shona duit . . . Happy Christmas to you!

Children’s Author Katie Cruice Smith to Release New Christmas Book

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For immediate release: Katie Cruice Smith, author of the beloved adoption book for children, Why Did You Choose Me?, has released another illustrated children’s book just in time for Christmas. Before Christmas Began (Ambassador International, $21.99, November 19, 2024) is a rhythmic telling of the Nativity story that parents can enjoy reading to their kids this holiday season.

Before Christmas Began by Katie Cruice Smith, a children's illustrated Christmas bookTired of seeing so many books for kids telling an inaccurate version of Christ’s birth, Smith decided to write a narrative that focused on what truly happened long before Christmas began. While Smith realizes that Christ’s birth was most likely not in December, she wanted to take the spirit of the season to help parents as they begin to introduce Christ to their children. The beautiful illustrations help to share the story as well.

If you are looking for books to gift children this Christmas, Before Christmas Began is an excellent addition to your library and something that can be made a part of your annual Christmas traditions.


About the Author
Katie Cruice Smith, author of Before Christmas Began, a children's illustrated book for ChristmasKatie Cruice Smith is a freelance editor and writer who resides in the Upstate of South Carolina. She is an adoption and foster care advocate and handles the marketing for an adoption attorney. When Katie isn’t working as the senior editor for Ambassador International or writing her next book, she is busy homeschooling her three kids, spending time with her family outdoors, or enjoying a good book and a cup of coffee on her porch swing. Katie is the author of the children’s adoption book, Why Did You Choose Me? and loves to share with others the joy she has found as a foster and adoptive mom.


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To connect with the author or request a review copy of Before Christmas Began, please contact publicity director Kimberly Davis at [email protected].