Archive for the ‘News Release’ Category

Children’s Author Katie Cruice Smith to Release New Christmas Book

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For immediate release: Katie Cruice Smith, author of the beloved adoption book for children, Why Did You Choose Me?, has released another illustrated children’s book just in time for Christmas. Before Christmas Began (Ambassador International, $21.99, November 19, 2024) is a rhythmic telling of the Nativity story that parents can enjoy reading to their kids this holiday season.

Before Christmas Began by Katie Cruice Smith, a children's illustrated Christmas bookTired of seeing so many books for kids telling an inaccurate version of Christ’s birth, Smith decided to write a narrative that focused on what truly happened long before Christmas began. While Smith realizes that Christ’s birth was most likely not in December, she wanted to take the spirit of the season to help parents as they begin to introduce Christ to their children. The beautiful illustrations help to share the story as well.

If you are looking for books to gift children this Christmas, Before Christmas Began is an excellent addition to your library and something that can be made a part of your annual Christmas traditions.


About the Author
Katie Cruice Smith, author of Before Christmas Began, a children's illustrated book for ChristmasKatie Cruice Smith is a freelance editor and writer who resides in the Upstate of South Carolina. She is an adoption and foster care advocate and handles the marketing for an adoption attorney. When Katie isn’t working as the senior editor for Ambassador International or writing her next book, she is busy homeschooling her three kids, spending time with her family outdoors, or enjoying a good book and a cup of coffee on her porch swing. Katie is the author of the children’s adoption book, Why Did You Choose Me? and loves to share with others the joy she has found as a foster and adoptive mom.


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To connect with the author or request a review copy of Before Christmas Began, please contact publicity director Kimberly Davis at [email protected].


God’s Incredible Love

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From our Publisher’s Desk

As the seasons change from summer to fall and the air becomes cool and crisp, I am reminded of Ecclesiastes verse three, chapter one, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” During the past months, we have seen and experienced things none of us could have imagined or predicted. There has been much fear of the present and the future. But as Believers in Christ, we can be at peace. This verse reminds us that there is a time, place, and reason for everything…even sickness and unrest. Although this year has taken many of us by surprise, we would be foolish to think that God, in all of His glory, did not see it coming. And even though the seasons and everything around us may change, God “is the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). We cannot blame Him for current events because the Bible clearly states that, “every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows,” (1 Chronicles 16:11-12). If God is the same and gives good and perfect gifts, and there is a time for everything, then even in the year we have experienced, we can be at peace and at rest in Him. We can find comfort in His Word by searching out and memorizing the many truths that it offers us. Malinda Fugate’s book, The Other Three Sixteens, does precisely that. Many of us can recite John 3:16 from memory with no prompt. However, were we to be asked to recite Genesis 3:16 or Romans 3:16, we would be at a loss. Throughout Malinda’s book, she dives into each book of the Bible and expounds upon each chapter three, verse sixteen to show the numerous truths that can be found throughout the God’s Word and not just in John 3:16. She shows how a loving God and His mercy are woven throughout each chapter and verse of Scripture in seemingly unexpected ways.


“John 3:16 is a central sentence, one of many anchors we find in the pages of Scripture. But every single chapter and verse has eternal value, from the eloquently poetic to the seemingly mundane, historical details. The words of the Bible weave a tapestry of love, particularly the love that our Heavenly Father has for His children. A love so deep and so wide that it cannot be contained in one memorized phrase. It takes multiple authors of sixty-six individual books to begin to explore the mystery of God’s care for us. I propose an adventure. It will be an expedition through the living and active Scriptures we hold in our hands and yet can’t truly contain. If every phrase in God’s word connects us to His love, then there are gems to uncover wherever we dare to seek them. Let’s take a cue from John and look at the third chapter and sixteenth verse in each book and see what we find. Now, it should be noted that “3:16” is not a magic code. The books of the Bible were written as individual documents and letters, only to have chapter and verse notations added after for our reference purposes. 3:16 will be the guide we choose for this particular quest.”

“Genesis 3:16 is one piece in the first story we read when we open the Word. Almighty God has masterfully created an entire universe and then concentrated His efforts on planet Earth. He carefully crafted sky and sea, mountain and tree, and creatures beyond imagination. Then it was time for His most precious creation – human beings – specifically, a man named Adam and a woman named Eve.

The devil, as a serpent, offered Eve the very fruit that God previously told His children to avoid. After brief hesitation, Eve decided that the serpent was on to something. She took the fruit and shared it with a willing Adam. There was no avoiding the consequence of sin.

Jump back to Genesis 3:16: “To the woman he said, ‘I will make your pains in childbearing very sever; with painful labor you will give birth to children. Your desire will be for your husband, and he will rule over you.’” Where is God’s love in these harsh words to Eve? We must remember the subtle differences between punishment and discipline. Punishment seeks to somehow even a score, answering a negative action with another equally bleak negative action. Discipline allows for necessary consequences, but it makes way for growth and redemption. Relationships are damaged by punishment, but they mature through discipline.

On the surface, the curse of Genesis 3:16 appears to be nothing but pain and suffering. Yet, it is rooted in the care of a loving God who refused to cast aside His daughter, Eve, despite her disobedience.
We know for certain that the Lord disciplines His children because He loves them. He loved Eve. He loved Adam. And He loves you.”


“’For where you have envy and selfish ambition, there you find disorder and every evil practice’ (James 3:16). A heart focused on self is toxic. We have only so much energy and effort available to us, and if we focus it all on ourselves, little to nothing is left for others and God. Few things are more destructive to our souls than selfishness. God knows this and will not tolerate anything that is harmful to His children.

Envy is another beast that needs to be tamed. If we allow jealousy to consume us, it will destroy us from the inside out. It transforms our hearts from caring for our neighbor to viewing our neighbor as a competitor.

Because God loves us, He wants to protect us from the toxins of envy and selfish ambition. First, He calls attention to the problem with Scriptures like James 3:16 and Romans 2:8. Once we recognize that our heart is poisoned by selfishness and envy, we are moved to do something about it. We must reach out beyond ourselves to the One who is able to break that cycle and bring us into freedom.

God lovingly designed this world and our existence. His gifts are good and for our benefit. He is not about to allow even one of His precious children to waste away in the desert of selfish ambition and envy. He loves us far too much for that.”


“So, because you are lukewarm – neither hot nor cold – I am about to spit you out of my mouth” (Revelation 3:16). The Laodiceans thought they were rich but didn’t realize they were in poor shape. They needed to return to the Lord once more. Jesus reminded them that He disciplines those He love and that He is figuratively standing at their door and knocking. He was available to them, but they needed to welcome Him into their church and into their hearts again.

Throughout time, God has gone to extreme lengths to actively love His people. He is a passionate God. When His love fills the hearts of His dear children, we display His zeal in our own lives. Enthusiastic, exuberant love spills over onto everyone we encounter. It is not like any earthly love and is immediately recognized by anyone who experiences it. The Laodiceans were missing this love, and many of us miss it as well. It wasn’t too late for them to turn back to it, and it’s not too late for us. When we ask the Lord to pour out His fiery love on us, He is happy to fulfill our need. When we ask for anything in the name of Jesus, the Lord will provide. The passionate love of God is intended to overwhelm us, and it is limitless. Like a blazing fire, we are consumed by love. It is a love that cannot be tamed and a love that will satisfy our deepest longing as we constantly cry out for more. A love so extreme is beyond accurate description, but we can know it intimately. It is alive and crashing over us like unrelenting ocean waves.”


During these trying times, we need remember who we serve. We serve a God of second chances, a God of restoration, a God of forgiveness and peace, a God who disciplines those He loves for their benefit and growth, and most importantly, a God of love. If we are to be imitators of Christ, then we need to have a character like His. We can do this by accepting His peace in the place of the fear the world tries to tie us down with, by forgiving even when we feel wronged, and by accepting God’s love so that we, in turn, can show that same love to our neighbor instead of putting them down when their views or ideas are different than ours. We need to remember the other three sixteens in the Bible and how they show the love and mercy of God. Then, as Melinda Fugate states in the closing remarks of her book, we can “rest in the promise of His love that is faithful from generation to generation. Amen.”

To learn more about Malinda and The Other Three Sixteens, visit HERE.

Have you ever wondered?

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Have you ever wondered what it might have been like when Jesus walked on the Earth as a man amongst men? In the following two historical novels, S.A. Jewell and Andrew Stone both take a fictional approach to answering that question.

Of Friends and Followers follows the life of Miriam, a widow in Judea, who has only one hope for survival: she must go to Capernaum and live as a beggar. On her way to the city, she is viciously attacked and left for dead. A leper, an unlikely and dangerous hero, saves her life but Miriam’s journey has only begun.S.A. Jewell
Miriam’s resilience and faith are tested again and again. Meeting unlikely friends along the way, Miriam’s path winds from Capernaum to the Sea of Galilee to Jerusalem. As she searches for friends and security, she eventually meets a man named Jesus of Nazareth. By His miracles and teaching, Miriam and her friends finally find something to believe in. Can they overcome the doubt and treachery that lurks in Jerusalem?

Realistic friendships, love interests, conflict, and bonding friendships await in Of Friends and Followers.

Learn more HERE.


Son of the Father is a modern storytelling of Barabbas, the man released in the hours leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion.
Long before his life is traded for Jesus’, Barabbas’ family is ruined, a consequence of his own rage. Consumed with guilt he resolves to put things right, but this seems an impossible task. Huge debts, a man bent on revenge, theft, and murder hang above his head.
Son of the FatherAs Barabbas struggles to atone and restore his family’s honor and to bring himself out of poverty, he meets the new religious teacher. Barabbas can’t bring himself to trust this wandering preacher even though his family follows Him, until Barabbas’ life is spared, costing more than he thought possible.
In this thought-provoking and gripping novel by debut author Andrew Stone, readers will discover a much deeper meaning as the lives of Barabbas and Jesus intertwine between the pages and weave a story of love and sacrifice.

Learn more HERE.

The Race Parallels Christian Faith and Running

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The Race by Sammy Tippit The Race is Written by Sammy Tippit with Foreword by Gov. Mike Huckabee

For immediate release: Sammy Tippit started out his ministry walking across America, handing out Bibles from a wheelbarrow. Forty years later he found himself running his first marathon, collapsing at the finish line. Paramedics rushed him to the hospital where he learned he was the second man that day to have the same thing happen—only the other man died. “If I had called the shots, I would have said run when I was young and walk when I was old. But God’s ways are not our ways,” says Tippit, a resident of San Antonio.

The 60-something cancer survivor is not your typical runner. Once 60 pounds overweight, Tippit decided to share his story of transformation in a new book along with the stories of Ryan Hall, American record-holder for the half marathon, Charles Austin, the Olympic and American record-holder for the high jump and others. Tippit’s book The Race: Run Like a Champion, chronicles his journey into a healthy lifestyle, using God’s word as his source of inspiration. The Race highlights metaphors and wisdom for athletes from the Bible including:

  • The endurance metaphor isn’t in the Bible to say you need more hardships– it shows us how to live by God’s grace and power in the midst of adversities.
  • When you run according to your gifting, you may encounter problems along the way, but you feel a sense of joy and peace in the midst of the race.
  • A runner doesn’t become a champion overnight, and neither does a Christian become a spiritual giant instantly. We begin weak and grow strong. We start slow and develop speed.
  • Hills display God’s glory at a distance. But for a runner, those same hills produce a need for God.
  • God wants us to finish life’s race as winners, not losers. He longs to award us the crown of victory at the end of our lives.


Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee wrote the foreword for The Race. As longtime friends, Tippit watched Huckabee lose nearly 100 pounds and was inspired by his commitment to get in shape through running and healthy living. “It showed me the roadmap of how I could do the same thing,” explains Tippit. “So when it came time to write a book I knew there was no one better than Governor Huckabee to write the foreword.”

To learn more about Tippit and The Race, visit HERE.

Ambassador welcomes new Publicity Director

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Ambassador International is thrilled to welcome Elizabeth “Liz” Ann Burgdorf as our new publicity director.

Liz graduated in 2005 from the University of Southern Indiana with a bachelors in broadcast journalism. Liz enjoys photography and reading in her spare time. She became a foster parent two years ago and has been married to her husband Eric for 13 years. They currently reside in Greer, South Carolina, with their two boys, a dog, and a cat.

Liz can be reached at [email protected].

Exciting Summer Reads!

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Looking for some exciting summer reads? Look no further! These following titles will be releasing this summer with Ambassador International.


July 1, 2018

Dusters and Dreams, historical fiction

Dusters and Dreams

One small village, three intertwined lives . . .
Rebecca has recently married vicar Jack Hayworth, but she must prove herself a capable wife to the village matriarchs. With her duties, events, and responsibilities, Rebecca is happy enough, but she secretly longs for a family. Must she stoically hide her heartbreak? Is it wrong for a Christian woman to struggle so much with unanswered prayers?
Edward owns a country estate, has a beautiful wife, and a profitable farm, yet he still feels dissatisfied. The world is changing outside of Biggenden Manor’s walls, and monotonous, high society life now leaves him empty. Can Edward find what he’s searching for in a differing world?
Violet is an outspoken, vivacious housemaid with a knack for getting into trouble with handsome men. She finds small village life oppressive and longs to spread her wings. Will Violet find the adventure and romance her heart craves?
Set in Victorian England, Dusters and Dreams is the sequel to Rebecca Stubbs: The Vicar’s Daughter.




Final Grains of Sand, general Christian fictionFinal Grains of Sand

When James Kreider receives the devastating news his life is shortened from cancer, he is immediately filled with shock and disbelief. At 60 years, Jim is too young to die and believes he has a whole life ahead of him. When the reality of his impending demise sinks in, Jim methodically prepares for his final days, including trying to heal old wounds. With a dash of life’s regrets and unfinished business, Jim’s hours are spent pondering the legacy he will leave for his friends and children.
In preparing for the end, Jim selects five individuals to represent his life at the funeral service. This group includes Jim’s boss, his personal physician, a neighbor, the pastor of his church, and a woman whom Jim was involved with in a long-term affair. None of the individuals know each other or why they were chosen. Summoned to the office of Jim’s attorney, the representatives disclose emotions and information few individuals wish to hear. Reluctantly, they agree to share every facet of their friend.

Jim’s story not only transforms the five representatives but alters the lives of the funeral guests. They realize the value of one’s life is less about the length of time, but rather how we touched other people through our actions and words.


An Unpresentable Glory, adult contemporary romance

An Unpresentable Glory

“I trusted you, and some day, you may know just how much you hold in your hands.”
Linda Jensen leads a relatively quiet life in Westchester County, New York, as the owner of a highly-acclaimed garden. Inherited from her parents, the garden is her pride and joy. It is not so joyful finding a strange man sprawled near her delphiniums! The mysterious man is sick, unable to do anything more than drink water—and beg for secrecy. Ignoring all alarm bells, Linda sees to his needs, but her caring act takes on unexpected significance, an unpresentable glory.
Seeds of trust, and perhaps love, are planted in Linda’s garden haven. But as secrets are revealed and scandal hits the headlines, the act of caring for this man threatens to tarnish both of their reputations. Like weeds in Linda’s garden, circumstances threaten to choke out their fledgling relationship, and small moments prove to be the biggest influencers—on a national scale.




Should Any Calamity Befall, young adult historical fictionShould Any Calamity Befall

“When my ship leaves for the Mediterranean next week, you shall be on it. Perhaps there you will learn some discipline.”

Ever since his arrival in Boston, Ezra has striven to do an honorable job, but trouble seems to follow him and his fellow apprentice, George. Even tying a cravat is fraught with peril. Now they are being sent to sea. But the sea has its own perils for American sailors in 1804. Besides the ever present dangers of shipwreck, scurvy, and storm, foreign adversaries are afloat. Even should one slip by the quarreling English and French, the Mediterranean is home to the Barbary corsairs.

George, aware of the dangers, persuades Ezra to enter into a vow with him to come to each other’s aid should any calamity befall. And so Ezra boards the Opulence, a promise on his tongue and a determination in his heart to look to God through it all.

July 20, 2018

Body by Blood, science fiction/thriller

Body by Blood

Dr. Raymond Verity came back to life today. Awakening from an optical-cerebral transplant into a clone body, Ray is amazed at how society changed in the 27 years he was cryo-preserved. Having pioneered cloning technology based on fetal tissue experiments, he has no qualms destroying imperfect samples. Until he meets his only granddaughter and falls in love with her despite her Down Syndrome. When he discovers that Mary Nell is scheduled to be “replaced” by her genetically-perfect duplicate, Dr. Verity embarks on a desperate mission to atone for his past sins. Can he save both Mary Nell and her clone? Body by Blood is a futuristic thriller which takes you on a heart-pounding journey that will call into question your core beliefs about life.


Tales of a Cosmic Possum Selected as Fall 2017 Okra Pick

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Congratulations to Sheila Ingle, author of Tales of a Cosmic Possum for being selected as a SIBA Fall 2017 Okra Pick!

What is an Okra Pick? “Okra Picks are a dozen fresh titles chosen each season that SIBA Indie Bookstores want to handsell. These books should be southern in nature but can cover any genre, not just fiction. Southern readers love their writers, and we want to be at the forefront of bringing them a strong selection of southern titles not to be missed each season.” – Southern Independent Booksellers Association


Tales of a Cosmic Possum shares the the long-forgotten stories of eight hard working Appalachian women. Ingle brings these stories to life as she paints vivid pictures of the mill families who loved one another and shared their Southern Appalachian hospitality despite having to work long hours to keep food on the table and shelter over their heads.

Okra Pick

Powerful Novel Encourages Readers Through Season of Hardship

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Author’s Work as an Ambassador for World Vision Charity Inspired Book’s Theme of Sacrificial Love

For immediate release: A mysterious death, missing family money and an Irish castle make Rachel Britz’s new novel almost impossible to put down. Although it’s set in Ireland in 1880, Britz believes it will encourage readers through any modern-day hardship they face. Good-Bye, Lover (Ambassador International; October 2015; $13.99, paperback) follows the story of 17-year-old Honora Gallagher as she deals with the untimely and tragic death of her father and inheriting her family’s sprawling estate, Kings Castle.

9781620205464Set in Ireland in 1880, Honora’s dream is to study music in Dublin, but the sudden death of her father means she must choose between following her heart or returning home to follow the wishes of his will. In preparation for writing Good-Bye, Lover, Britz traveled to Ireland in 2014 to conduct research. “Meeting the owner of the Donegal School of Traditional Irish Music was invaluable,” she says. “He gave me endless accounts of Irish history which I used to ensure my book was historically accurate.”

Beyond the facts of the time period, Good-Bye, Lover is full of heart, instilling in the reader that God is faithful, even in times of great sorrow. “Sacrifice is the hallmark of genuine love,” says Britz. “That is a truth anyone can relate to.” Honora is forced to choose—will she remain loyal to her father and the servants who are counting on her or will she follow her heart and chase her dream?

An ambassador for the charity World Vision, Britz is passionate about meeting practical needs of some of the most impoverished people in the world. “I believe in empowering them with gifts of livestock like goats, chickens and cows,” explains Britz. That theme of giving to those in need is pivotal in Good-Bye, Lover.

About the Author: Rachel Britz , wife and mother of three, is a contributing writer for Women-Inc magazine. She loves to speak at church or women’s events. And she’s a World Vision ambassador who promotes giving gifts of livestock animals like goats and chickens to those in desperate need. In her spare time she bakes cookies for parties and events. She calls Minnesota home.

To receive a review copy of Good-Bye, Lover or to connect with the author please contact publicist Alison Storm by email at [email protected].


New Irish Cookbook Offers Sensuous and Delicious Tour of Ireland

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Renowned Author Releases 11th Collection of Irish recipes in new cookbook

For immediate release: It goes without saying, Ireland is Margaret Johnson’s favorite place in the world. Her passion for the country and its cuisine jumps from the pages of her latest collection of recipes, Favorite Flavors of Ireland (Ambassador International; November 2015; $24.99, paperback). It’s Johnson’s eleventh cookbook overall and tenth focusing on Irish cuisine.

Favorite Flavors of IrelandAugust 11, 1984: the date stamped in Margaret’s passport, marking her first trip the Emerald Isle. She’s since recorded 70 visits throughout three decades. “With each new visit, I grew to love Ireland more — the people, the landscape, the history, the folklore, the music, and the food,” writes Margaret. Her latest book, Favorite Flavors of Ireland, is a tribute to her 30 years of exploration of Ireland. It’s also a chance for this expert in Irish cuisine to answer the questions she’s asked nearly every day:

  • “What’s your favorite Irish recipe?”
  • “What’s your favorite place in Ireland?”
  • “What’s your favorite time to visit?”

The book captures Ireland’s culinary beauty season-by-season, and includes more than 100 recipes. For example, in spring you’ll find specialties like Lamb with Port and Mint Sauce and Roasted Rhubarb Ice Cream. Summer features the classic Fish ‘n Chips with Mushy Peas as well as Croissant Bread and Butter Pudding with Blueberries. Autumn includes Grilled Oysters with Black Bacon and winter highlights warmers like Shepherd’s Pie, Glazed Holiday Ham and Traditional Christmas Pudding.Margaret Johnson

About the author: Margaret M. Johnson is author of ten cookbooks—Christmas Flavors of Ireland; Flavors of Ireland; The Irish Pub Cookbook; Irish Puddings, Tarts, Crumbles, and Fools; The Irish Spirit; The New Irish Table; The Irish Heritage Cookbook; Tea & Crumpets; Cooking With Irish Spirits; and Ireland: Grand Places, Glorious Food. As a food and travel writer she has contributed to publications in both the U.S. and Ireland including Intermezzo Magazine; Cooking Light; Cara, the inflight magazine of Aer Lingus; Dublin’s Food & Wine Magazine; the Irish Echo newspaper; and to online sites such as, and She frequently appears at Irish food and cultural events, and when she’s not visiting her ancestral home in Ireland, she lives in Westhampton Beach, NY.


To connect with the author or request a review copy of Favorite Flavors of Ireland please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].
