Treasures in Heaven: Earth is Not Home

…off the dust and I’ve packed them up a few times during a move to a new house, but mostly they just sit lifelessly. No new memories of laughter, conversation,…

Maybe Someday: A Novel

In Buffalo, New York, Patti is an accomplished young professional who prefers a good book to a romantic dinner and hot-fudge sundaes topped with gossip to solitary hours in front…

Heaven’s Music: A Mother’s Musings

…special needs child were new territory. How did this happen? Why? What would the future hold? The glorious joy of a new child slipped away to be covered with apprehension….

National Day of Prayer

…Good News is that prayer is a vehicle the Lord uses to transform our lives. Set aside time every day to make this journey to God. We will experience God’s…

Summer Sale: Five Books for the 4th!

…to the small village of Thym with her family. She must adjust to a new life and new friends, navigating childhood, school bullying, and questions about God. BUY NOW  …

The League of Pardoned Rebels

…will be challenged and encouraged when reading this book.” —Dr. Jeff Audirsch Professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, New Orleans, LA “I would use this…

The Thrall’s Sword

“An odyssey of one young woman’s loss, revenge, and restoration . . . ” Heather Day Gilbert award-winning author of The Vikings of the New World Saga On the night…