FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: A few days after Christmas and ten years ago, Ronni Scott spent her devotional time reading Matthew 1 and Luke 2 and wished for more information about Joseph and Mary’s journey to Bethlehem. She desired more intimate details of the Christmas story and prayerfully asked God questions and was struck with
inspiration. At the end of three hours she wrote a poem etched with pencil in a spiral notebook that would become the manuscript for A Donkey’s Little Tale (Ambassador International; October 2014; $17.99, hardcover). Now ten years after that December morning Ronni is sharing her prized story with the world.

As she studied, Scott realized there was another figure that accompanied Mary and Joseph on their journey — a donkey! “The child in me took over,” recounts Scott. “I began to imagine what that donkey saw, felt and heard.” A Donkey’s Little Tale begins with Mary and Joseph’s difficult trek to Bethlehem, chronicling their stay at the stable and ending with the glorious arrival of baby Jesus.
In addition to writing A Donkey’s Little Tale, Scott also played an integral part in the illustrations. Using her beloved Georgia Lizella clay, Scott sculpted each scene of the book. The sculptures were then translated into sketches and illustrations by Brittany Huskey. Scott is still working through a 300 pound supply of clay, mostly crafting pieces for family and friends.
About the Author: R. MITCHELL SCOTT, Ronni, is an Air Force veteran and former school and art teacher. She and her husband have three grown children and three grandchildren. She loves to bake and has mastered the art of fudgemaking, assuring her popularity during the holidays. Ronni graduated with honors at both Columbus State University, Georgia and Asbury Theological Seminary, Florida, earning a Bachelor of Science degree specializing in Art, and a Master of Biblical Studies respectively. Ronni loves getting her hands dirty in Georgia’s Lizella Clay.
For interview requests or to request a review copy of A Donkey’s Little Tale please contact publicist Alison Storm via email at [email protected].