Dr. Andrew Davis reveals techniques in new resource
For immediate release: Many Christians have at least a few Bible verses committed to memory, but Dr. Andrew Davis, senior pastor at First Baptist Church in Durham, North Carolina, is encouraging Christians to ramp up Scripture memorization. In his new book An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture, (Ambassador International; April 2014; $.99, eBook) Dr. Davis provides daily procedures for memorizing entire chapters and books of the Bible at one time. Davis has used these techniques to commit 35 books of the Bible to memory over the course of his ministry. He calls the practice of extended Scripture memorization “one of the most searching and rewarding exercises of spiritual and mental labor anyone could ever attempt.”
Well-known pastor Dr. John Piper used Dr. Davis’ techniques personally to commit Romans 1-8. Davis says there are many benefits to memorizing Scripture including:
- Transforming our worldview from secular to heavenly.
- Causing us to hate sin and fight it vigorously.
- Helping us to withstand temptation.
- Blessing lost people with a vivid presentation of the Gospel.
- Gaining power and wisdom for counseling.
Earlier this year Ambassador International released Dr. Davis’ book An Infinite Journey: Growing Toward Christlikeness which provides a road map how we are to mature as Christians.
An Approach to Extended Memorization of Scripture is available as an eBook for just $.99. The goal is to make this resource readily available to help Christians enjoy the benefits of extended Scripture memorization. Readers can find additional resources including free printable Scripture memorization cards at Ambassador-International.com/memorization. “When Judgment Day comes, we will regret the waste of a single moment not used for the glory of Christ,” writes Davis. “We will, however, not regret one moment we spent diligently studying God’s Word and hiding it in our heart. We will only wish we’d spent more time doing this.”
About the Author: Dr. Andrew Davis has been Senior Pastor of First Baptist Church (FBC), Durham, NC, since 1998. He came to faith in Christ his junior year in college. In 1984, he graduated with a BSME from MIT, and worked for ten years as a mechanical engineer. Davis received his Master of Divinity degree from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in 1990 and his PhD in Church History from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in 1998. Davis’s book An Infinite Journey: Growing Toward Christlikeness was published in 2014.
To connect with the author please contact publicist Alison Storm at [email protected].
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