5 Things About Beth Grisham, author of Inspirational True Life Stories

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Learn more about your favorite Ambassador authors with our “Five Things” series. Author Beth Grisham compiled  inspirational true life stories in  “Seeds of Perspective: Planting Hope and Healing In The Baggage Of Life.”

Beth Grisham is a wife, mother, and non-profit ministry leader.  Beth graduated from the University of North Alabama with a Bachelor of Science in Communications. However, she believes her greatest education came through her role as mother to her six children, now thirteen to twenty-five years old.  After working at home for 17 years Beth became the Executive Director of a non-profit crisis pregnancy center.  She prayed to receive Christ at age eighteen, but it wasn’t until age twenty-six with the loss of her third child that Beth developed a personal relationship with Christ and fell in love with studying His Word.

Her loss was the beginning of a whole new way of life and a totally different perspective regarding things of importance in this world.  It has been said that your greatest ministry will come from your greatest pain, and that has certainly proven itself true in Beth’s life.  She considers motherhood and the raising up of a next generation of Christ followers to be her greatest blessing and her greatest opportunity to make a Kingdom impact on the world.

Here are Beth’s “five things”:

  1. The miscarriage of her third child opened Beth’s eyes to the horrible realities of abortion.
  2. Beth has a desire to become involved in international missions so that she can help women in other countries find ways to support and care for their families.
  3. Beth helped to start a coffee roasting business as a means of raising funds for the non-profit that she oversees, with an even greater goal of seeing that business grow to support centers just like theirs across the U.S. She firmly believes that when we are blessed it is so that we can bless others in return.
  4. Beth and her husband of twenty-eight years have five daughters and one son.
  5. God uses nature to inspire many of His lessons for Beth. She especially loves birds, trees, and butterflies.

Seeds of Perspective by Beth GrishamWhat if your greatest downfall could be redeemed to become your greatest calling? In Beth’s new book Seeds of Perspective: Planting Hope and Healing In The Baggage Of Life, gain a new perspective about old baggage that has kept you from experiencing freedom in Christ and from pursuing the purpose God has for your life.  Let the experiences of others remind you that you are not alone, and that God can use all things for your good and His glory. Learn more HERE.