Author Forum: How Do You Start Writing a Book?

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This is the fourth of a multi-part series by guest blogger Ivy Cheng tapping into the expertise of several seasoned Ambassador authors. The first post offered tips on dealing with writer’s block. The second post covered the influence other writers can have on your work and the third discussed managing a writing schedule within a busy life.

I once had a friend who told me “everyone has a story, but not all of them can write it.” I think this is a very true statement. Everyone is unique in their own way, and everyone has a story to tell. However, not everyone has the time, patience, or skill to write their story. The ability to write an entire book requires intense devotion. It is a daunting task to sit in front of a blank screen and start writing a book. And so, we ask some of our authors what was the spark that made them write those first few words.


Juana M9781620202913-e1414700233650ikels – Author of Choosing Him All Over Again 

The short answer is it was a call from God. By that I mean, that I knew to write it was to be obedient to what He wanted me to do. Knowing that it was God’s will for my life with my husband’s full blessing gave me strength and endurance when the going got rough—and it did get rough. It took me a year and half to write the rough draft, another year and a half to get a Christian agent, then another two years to get a Christian publisher, and finally one year before I held the book in my hand. When the book finally arrived, I will never forget my husband’s prayer with me. We held the book in our hands, and he prayed that if one person could be brought closer to Christ or have a stronger marriage—just one person more complete in all the will of God—it would be worth it. So beautiful to hear the man that I left all those years ago to pray over Choosing Him All Over Again.

From Driftwood to SapphireKathy Howard – Author of From Dishes to Snow and From Driftwood to Sapphire

From Dishes to Snow was written after we decided to homeschool our girls. I wanted to do something that would share Jesus and hopefully make enough money to pay for the kids’ curriculum. I prayed over every writing day, never knowing what the characters would do or say. I had no idea what the plot would be, only that I wanted to use my family’s mountain house as the setting. As a child, I remember hiking, daydreaming about different stories involving our precious mountain. In 2013/2014, I was given the chance to daydream again, only this time, others were privy to those dreams as the story came alive on paper.

Grace in the Middle

Wendy Duke – Author of Grace in the Middle

Encouragement from other people motivated me highly, but I also just had a deep conviction that our story of pain and struggle could help someone else in their own difficult circumstances. I had flashbacks of sitting in doctors’ waiting rooms, alone and scared, and decided to write our story to help encourage people in the same shoes. This has been my greatest desire for this book: to help struggling families deal with the difficulties of having a child with an illness or other traumatic circumstances. King Solomon said our words have the power of life and death, and I wanted to use mine to speak life over people who need to hear life and light and hope.



An9781620202692-197x306drea Rodgers –Author of The 20th Christmas

My first book, The 20th Christmas, came to me in a dream. I’ve been writing stories since childhood and that had never happened to me before–but I started scribbling down what I remembered and a month later the manuscript was completed! My next book, Cage The Dove (coming this fall), was inspired by real-life events that I went through in junior high, so the story idea has been on my mind for over two decades. God gave me too many signs for me to put it off any longer.

Are you ready to start writing your own book? Go and comment on our Facebook page and tell us all about it!


Blog Tour: Grace in the Middle

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Starting today and running through August 29, Ambassador International is hosting a blog tour of Wendy Duke’s new non-fiction book, Grace in the Middle: An Imperfect Journey to God’s Perfect Plan. Be sure to check back in throughout the week to see the reviews and inspiring thoughts some of our bloggers have written about this exciting new publication.

What is Grace in the Middle?

Grace in the MiddleSynopsis: “You are beautiful, little girl of mine,” Wendy Duke whispered over her newborn daughter. It was a still moment amidst the turmoil of birth defects and a life-threatening illness. Grace in the Middle is a memoir recounting one young couple’s struggle to hold on to an unraveling faith during the greatest crisis of their lives. Heartbreaking, triumphant, and funny in just the right places, this inspiring story is an authentic reflection on battling and overcoming physical illness and disability, resisting the dark doubts that plague us in the midst of tragedy, and trusting the faithfulness of God through the deep twists and turns of life.

We’ve asked some of our bloggers to read and review Duke’s story. Their posts will range from a basic review to a discussion about something about the Dukes’ imperfect journey that inspired them.

Perhaps you’ll recognize some of the names on our list!


Crystal Green from


Dwayne Morris of

Donna Friend from

Abby Banks from Wyatt’s fight Against TM


Heather Duncan from


Megan Taylor from

Haley Marshall

Spencer Cummins from

Jenny Farmer from

Brenda McGraw from


Claresa Smith from

Holly Mthethwa from


Doretta Mills from

Stephanie Wright from

Leeanne Burda from

Hope Griffin from


Angie Fehl from

Joni Lynn

Lori Krausen from

Michelle Kelly from

Courtney Szollosy from

Holly Zegalia from


Nina Slone

Erica Sandwall from A Disabled Mom’s Life

Dana Perkins

Jennifer Morrissette from

Bernadette Callahan

Ramona Vincent

Deb Wolf

Lorane Rhoden

$1.99 SALE: One Day Only!

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For 24 Hours we’re offering a powerful non-fiction title for just $1.99! Pick up Wendy Duke’s book Grace in the Middle: An Imperfect Journey to God’s Perfect Plan at a discounted rate for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend, and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait- pick up this book right now for just $1.99 on Kindle!

unnamed (1) Synopsis: “You are beautiful, little girl of mine,” Wendy Duke whispered over her newborn daughter. It was a still moment amidst the turmoil of birth defects and a life-threatening illness. Grace in the Middle is a memoir recounting one young couple’s struggle to hold on to an unraveling faith during the greatest crisis of their lives. Heartbreaking, triumphant, and funny in just the right places, this inspiring story is an authentic reflection on battling and overcoming physical illness and disability, resisting the dark doubts that plague us in the midst of tragedy, and trusting the faithfulness of God through the deep twists and turns of life. BUY NOW

$1.99 SALE: One Day Only!

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For 24 Hours we’re offering an exciting fiction title for just $1.99! Pick up Kathy M. Howard’s book From Driftwood to Sapphire at a discounted rate for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend, and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait- pick up this book right now for just $1.99 on Kindle!

unnamed (2) Synopsis: Samantha Jordan spent her entire life within a family unit of two—herself and her father, Wren—until Bay Harris came into their lives. Now, with the addition of a stepmother, a little sister, and another sister on the way, the family unit has stretched itself to a loving number of five.

She enters her senior year at Brenton College hopeful and happy, planning to make the most of her last year as a student. Although her best friend has graduated, leaving her to a freshman roommate with unusual social problems, Samantha still has Trevor James, a driven and handsome friend from her hometown, View Top Mountain.

However, when tragedy occurs and secrets are revealed, Samantha’s world turns upside down and her trust in God is tested. BUY NOW


Author Forum: Does Reading Other People’s Work Influence Your Writing Style?

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This is the second of a multi-part series by guest blogger Ivy Cheng tapping into the expertise of several seasoned Ambassador authors. The first post offered tips on dealing with writer’s block.

They say that copycatting is the highest praise because it means that the work is worth copying. Shakespeare’s storylines have been taken and reworked into countless new works, and Hemingway’s different writing style changed the literary world. So it raises the question if our authors are particularly influenced by other authors.

Juana M9781620202913-e1414700233650ikels – Author of Choosing Him All Over Again 

I don’t read other people’s work when I am writing other than looking up a quote I am searching for (I also don’t listen to other testimonies when I am writing).  I am afraid that I will copy their style. But don’t get me wrong. Reading what other people have written had everything to do with my writing. I read aloud to my children for 15 years before I began my book. I will forever be grateful to the excellent writers I met during those years whose detailed descriptions inspired me (a math girl, think of it!) to the point I knew I had to write! I agree with the Psalmist who said, “My heart was hot within me, While I was musing the fire burned; Then I spoke with my tongue…” (Psalm 39:3)


From Driftwood to SapphireKathy Howard – Author of From Dishes to Snow and From Driftwood to Sapphire

I am a picky eater and I am a picky reader. I’ve noticed I tend to read authors with similar writing styles to each other. Anything outside of that realm, I have a hard time understanding or staying focused. So, yes, I would have to say I lean towards the writing style that I read, mainly because it keeps my attention. To those who like meatloaf, tuna, and chicken – expository, persuasive, and narrative, I admire you. But to me, I’m just a chicken girl – one meat, one writing style. Hopefully one of these days, I’ll acquire a taste for variety.



Grace in the MiddleWendy Duke – Author of Grace in the Middle

Yes and no. I definitely feel like reading unique writing styles seems to open up the possibilities, break down limitations. Sometimes I try to write in different “voices” just to stretch my own technique. e.e. cummings taught me to use unexpected words to shake things up.  Harper Lee taught me to pay attention to the subplot, to the stories happening behind the center stage. Other authors such as Anne Lamotte, Donald Miller and Jen Hatmaker have all influenced me over recent years. They have very conversational writing styles, casual and funny.  This seems to be the style that feels most like my own voice, so their writing gives me confidence in my own style.


An9781620202692-197x306drea Rodgers –Author of The 20th Christmas

Yes, so I don’t usually read much when I’m working on a manuscript. I feel it’s one or the other for me–either I’m reading or writing because I do a better job of listening to my writing voice when it’s the only one I hear.


Have a favorite author or unique writing style? Go and comment on our Facebook page and tell us all about it!



$1.99 SALE: One Day Only!

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For 24 Hours we’re offering THREE powerful non-fiction titles for just $1.99 each! Pick up Peter Hubbard’s book Love into the Light, Judith Hartzell’s book By God’s Design, and Dale Ingraham & Rebecca Davis’s book Tear Down this Wall of Silence at a discounted rate for the Kindle during our one-day sale event. After Thursday the price will go up to $2.99 through the weekend, and then it will return to regular price. So don’t wait- pick up these books right now for just $1.99 each on Kindle!

Love into the Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual and the Church

unnamed (3)

 Synopsis: Homosexuality is one of the most controversial moral issues of our day. Headlines teem with stories of athletes’“coming out,” politicians changing positions and courts handing down same-sex marriage rulings. Sadly the church has often been afraid to talk about homosexuality. Many Christians feel confused and divided between the call to love and the call for truth. And many who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction feel alone and alienated by the church. The time is ripe for God’s people to think and speak about same-sex attraction in a way that is both biblical and beneficial. We must reject our fears and misunderstandings and see ourselves together in need of the grace of Jesus. Love Into Light is designed to move the church toward that end. Written from the heart of a pastor with a love for people and a sensitivity to our culture, Love Into Light is your next step toward becoming more faithfully and helpfully engaged with people in your families, in your church and in your neighborhood. BUY NOW


By God’s Design: Overcoming Same-Sex Attraction: A True Story

unnamed (5) Synopsis: What happens when a man finds himself sunk in a downward spiral of risky homosexual acts and he knows no way to escape?  And when he is about to lose his prestigious and profitable career, along with his marriage, and even his life?  The answer would have been certain tragedy for Alan Medinger if not for a praying wife and the mercy of God. Restored and inspired, he went on to establish a ministry for same-sex-attracted people (Regeneration of Baltimore, Maryland), where he and his wife, Willa, influenced hundreds to turn from homosexuality and seek holiness.  Through their work with Exodus International, they influenced thousands more. When quarrels and dissension affected Exodus in Alan’s last years, he predicted its demise and explained how ministries would continue to succeed without it. Through Alan and Willa Medinger’s story in By God’s Design,  you will learn the truth about homosexuality, its causes, its healing, and how the church can help. BUY NOW


Tear Down this Wall of Silence: Dealing with Sexual Abuse in Our Churches (An Introduction for Those who will Hear)

unnamed (4) Synopsis: Why do so many of our churches feel like a safe place for sexual offenders, but an unsafe place for survivors of abuse? The wall of silence regarding sexual abuse in our churches must be torn down. Christians must hear.

Tear Down This Wall of Silence answers questions such as:

  • Who are the Enablers who help keep a system of abuse in place?
  • Wrong thinking has kept this sin covered in our churches for decades. What are the truths that need to be proclaimed instead?
  • Churches, families, and friends must not turn away. How do we properly grieve such a tragedy? How can we offer hope?
  • The offender must show fruits of repentance. How can he begin to make restitution?
  • How can the abuse survivor find true safety in Jesus Christ?

Through personal memoir, voices of authoritative professionals, and the words of abuse survivors themselves, Tear Down This Wall of Silence provides a foundational explanation of the problem of sexual abuse in our churches and its aftermath, and offers hope for real change. BUY NOW

Love into the Light: Audio Book Now Available

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Ambassador International is excited to announce that Peter Hubbard’s book Love into the Light: The Gospel, The Homosexual and the Church is now available on audio book at your favorite audio book retailers.

Amazon: BUY NOW

Audible: BUY NOW

iTunes: BUY NOW

Want to know more? Here is a synopsis of Love into the Light:

Synopsis: Homosexuality is one of the most controversial moral issues of our day. Headlines teem with stories of athletes’“coming out,” politicians changing positions and courts handing down same-sex marriage rulings. Sadly the church has often been afraid to talk about homosexuality. Many Christians feel confused and divided between the call to love and the call for truth. And many who struggle with unwanted same-sex attraction feel alone and alienated by the church. The time is ripe for God’s people to think and speak about same-sex attraction in a way that is both biblical and beneficial. We must reject our fears and misunderstandings and see ourselves together in need of the grace of Jesus. Love Into Light is designed to move the church toward that end. Written from the heart of a pastor with a love for people and a sensitivity to our culture, Love Into Light is your next step toward becoming more faithfully and helpfully engaged with people in your families, in your church and in your neighborhood.Love Into Light

Prayer: More than Just Words Before Dinner

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Former Atheist Seeks to Invigorate Prayer Lives of Christians

For immediate release: “Prayer changes things.” We’ve all heard it before, but sometimes prayer can feel overwhelming. We don’t always know exactly what we should say, and many of us feel insecure in our prayer lives. Author William Ray offers a solution to our anxieties. In Answered Prayer: The Jesus Plan (Ambassador International; July 2015; $12.99, paperback), Ray walks through the most famous prayer in Scripture to encourage and revitalize readers in their own prayer lives.

Answered PrayerRay uses personal anecdotes as a testimony to the miraculous power of prayer. “As a former atheist who had an experience with God through a simple, heart-felt prayer, I understandably have been fascinated by prayer ever since,” writes Ray. Readers are continually reminded of how prayer can and will dramatically draw one closer to the Lord.

The Lord’s Prayer, or as Ray calls it—the Model Prayer— is central to Answered Prayer. Ray dissects each phrase of the prayer as outlined in the book of Matthew and reveals how it applies to a twenty-first century Christian’s prayer life. Ray reminds readers that God wouldn’t have given His children a prayer that didn’t work. Therefore, we can confidently base our personal prayer lives off of this Model Prayer.

Answered Prayer also addresses many of the contemporary issues people have with prayer, such as the misunderstanding of what prayer is and means. Readers will discover:

  • How to have a relationship with God through prayer
  • Understanding God’s four answers to prayer (No, Slow, Grow and Go)
  • Using prayer as a form of worship
  • Why specific prayers are more powerful

Each chapter contains study sections for readers to “Dig Deeper” into the truths of Answered Prayer. Ray utilizes external Bible verses to reinforce his main points about each phrase of the Model Prayer. In addition, each chapter includes a series of questions to help readers assess and further shape their own prayer life.

About the Author: William Ray served as a pastor for nearly 25 years, mostly in the Phoenix area. He holds the Master of Divinity degree from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary and an English degree from Grand Canyon University. William is the author of Bible Study for Beginners, the science fiction series The White Hole Universe Chronicles, and the light-hearted reference book The 100 Most Entertaining Predictions about the 21st Century (co-authored with his wife, Lynette). William also provides a sermon illustration service for pastors at William and Lynette have been married for more than 30 years and have two lovely daughters and one beautiful granddaughter.

— END —

Author Forum: How Do You Break Writer’s Block?

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This is the first of a multi-part series by guest blogger Ivy Cheng tapping into the expertise of several seasoned Ambassador authors.

Anyone who writes, from poetry to novels, even a school paper, has experienced writer’s block at one point or another. Curious as to how to break writer’s block, we asked a few of our amazing authors here at Ambassador International for their methods of finding their inspiration again.


Juana M9781620202913-e1414700233650ikels – Author of Choosing Him All Over Again 

“Some people suffer from writer’s block, but I consistently had to deal with the opposite problem. I had way too much content. As I wrote, story after story would unfold and the average reader doesn’t want to read a book over 400 pages! When my beloved mentor who was an excellent writer suggested that I write my story, she had it right immediately. Her name is Elisabeth Elliot. She said to me, “Juana, some people have the problem of irrigating the desert when they write; you will have the problem of chopping down the jungle.” She was spot on.

Even so, there was a few times I got “stuck.” I found the best thing to do was to put it away, and come back fresh on another day. On occasion I listened to an audio of my story told in front of a live audience. As I listened as if it was someone else’s story, I became re-motivated to go back to the spot where I got stuck and just tell it as if I was talking to one person in the room (and just one person will eventually read it when they hold it in their hand!)”


From Driftwood to SapphireKathy Howard – Author of From Dishes to Snow and From Driftwood to Sapphire

When I hit my wall of writer’s block, I find myself putting the manuscript aside for a time. Thankfully, it is usually just a short time, one that I can fill running or playing with the kids for an afternoon. During those less frequent longer times, I push the story out of my head as best I can and live life away from the characters for days or even weeks. Other than normal living, I may read other books or watch movies, stories that show creativity and imagination. When I feel refreshed, I dive back in, headfirst.


Grace in the MiddleWendy Duke – Author of Grace in the Middle

I tend to write in spurts: I’ll let thoughts and ideas build for a while, and then spend a few days writing non-stop.  I’m not sure if this is “normal”; it seems to just depend on personality type.  I read several writers’ blogs who carve out a couple of hours each day to write, but I usually need a bigger block of time to really get much on a page.  I’m just not a fast writer, but the more I write, the faster I become.  Reading seems to be the best way to help me generate ideas and be inspired to write. The more I read, the more I seem to want to write.


An9781620202692-197x306drea Rodgers –Author of The 20th Christmas

I take breaks–but that means doing something else creative.  I find that reading, watching a movie, or listening to music  often inspire me so then I can return to my manuscript and  the words flow easier and better. I’ve never been stuck on  what to write about–writer’s block to me is more about not  being able to get the right words out or have the story flow in  the best direction.


Do you have your own tips for breaking writer’s block? Go and comment on our Facebook page with your methods!